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Old Apr 10 2021, 03:42 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by HILARIOUS View Post
2 nd time today, unable to load game.

Your last post was answered in the following link:


Please read it and provide the required information.
Old Apr 11 2021, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Sayso View Post
721938372 Sayso From yesterday still today my game is BLACK. Can not play.

at doRun (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...js.gz:2:593396)
at run (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...js.gz:2:593564)
at runCaller (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...js.gz:2:592339)
at Object.removeRunDependency (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/....js.gz:2:22438)
at https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...k.js.gz:2:1258
at doCallback (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...js.gz:2:108849)
at done (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/...js.gz:2:108987)
at done (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/....js.gz:2:91930)
at Object.storeLocalEntry (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/....js.gz:2:90390)
at https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/....js.gz:2:92162
at IDBRequest. (https://cdn.slashkey.com/flash/farm/....js.gz:2:90740)
2021-04-11 16:14:59.345 ERROR{"isTrusted":true}
Hi Sayso,
I moved your post to the subject thread about HTML loading problems.
First please try clearing your browser cache, then close the browser, then reopen your farms. It will be slower loading the first time after that as it has to download all the graphics for the game.

If it is not that, then please check if there is any update for Windows or Mac in case you use it, Remember to close and restart after updating.

After that then follow the instructions given in this announcement:


You have to try all suggestions under FIRST LOAD OF FARM TOWN.
After trying them all, then restart and check again if your game loads.

Also if you go to the first post, first page of this thread, there are steps to let you check your computer.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
Old Apr 12 2021, 03:54 AM
Sayso Sayso is offline
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Did what you said and it worked. Thank you for your time!
Old Apr 13 2021, 02:46 AM
Alaskamom42 Alaskamom42 is offline
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Default Help

About a week ago my Farm Town game quit loading again. It gets to the page with the black screen with the square in it and it quits there. I empties my cache and still nothing. I am so discouraged.
Can someone please help me. I miss my game.
Old Apr 13 2021, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Alaskamom42 View Post
About a week ago my Farm Town game quit loading again. It gets to the page with the black screen with the square in it and it quits there. I empties my cache and still nothing. I am so discouraged.
Can someone please help me. I miss my game.

Hi Alaskamom42,
I have moved your post to the correct thread for your issue.

When your game stopped loading had you made any changes to your browser like adding an extension to it? If you did you may need to change it back to how it was before you couldn't load the game.

If you are not sure if you have checked everything is up to date, please run through the following list and make sure you have already done these:
  • Check and make sure you have done all the updates on your computer for OS and drivers.
  • Check that your browser of choice is still showing up to date and that cookies and popups are still allowed in that browser. That you are using one of the popular browsers like, Edge/Chrome/Opera/Firefox.
  • Disable any extensions added to to your browser as some can prevent the game from loading and also stop the message above your game screen showing.
  • Then go to the 1st post on page 1 of this thread. There is more information about what software requirements on a computer will provide optimal game play so you can compare it to what you have. If your computer does not meet those specs or can not be updated there is also information there on how to enable compressed graphics which may help.
  • When you try to load the game, make sure you don't have any other tabs or browsers open to the game and you're not doing something like playing music, using other apps, doing any downloading or that any updates are still in progress of being done on your computer.

If after doing those you still can not load the game please supply:
  1. any new information about what you are seeing when you try to load the game if it has changed.
  2. your user ID which is in the message above your game screen. If you can't see the message there it's also at the top of the send gift page.
  3. If the FT Console beneath your game screen is open, list any errors it is showing to you and see if WebGL is showing enabled or disabled in that console.
  4. Let us know what type of computer/laptop you are using (Windows or Mac), what OS and version it has (eg. Windows 10/Mac Sur)
  5. Which browser you are using and what version it is.

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Old Apr 13 2021, 08:12 AM
annien annien is offline
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Cool going to farms after the pop-up asks you to water, etc.

I just came back hoping everything was fixed. When I went to the farms, they were blank and I could do nothing. 10201833750420872
annie Sugar Plum Fields

Last edited by annien; Apr 13 2021 at 08:22 AM.
Old Apr 13 2021, 08:19 AM
annien annien is offline
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Default Can't give gifts 10201833750420872

Tried sending gifts to neighbors and a message filled the page stating my pop-up size was too small for the ad. Tried several times.
annie Sugar Plum Fields
Old Apr 13 2021, 08:34 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by annien View Post
I just came back hoping everything was fixed. When I went to the farms, they were blank and I could do nothing. 10201833750420872
Originally Posted by annien View Post
Tried sending gifts to neighbors and a message filled the page stating my pop-up size was too small for the ad. Tried several times.
Hi annien

I moved your posts to the thread about HTML5

Are you entering the game using a saved bookmark link?

If so please enter your facebook account and click in the Farm town icon on the left column and see if that way you can load your farms.

If you still are not able to load the game please check if there is any update for Windows or Mac if you use it, you can type update in the search box and you usually get "search for updates", you have to follow the instructions. Remember to close and restart after updating.

After that then follow the instructions given in this announcement:


You have to try all suggestions under FIRST LOAD OF FARM TOWN.
After trying them all, then restart and check again if your game loads.

If your game doesnt load, then you have to provide the information under PERSISTENT LOADING ISSUES.
Please notice that for point 3, developers are asking for the last Checkpoint information.

If you dont see the information below your game screen, then click in Toggle FT console and scroll down the page using the bar on the right till you find the last Checkpoint information.

If you can't open the FT Console watch the "U" number in the upper right corner of your farms for the last number shown.

Also if you go to the first post, first page of this thread, there are steps to let you check your computer.
Old Apr 13 2021, 08:12 PM
annien annien is offline
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Default WebGL Graphics Feature Status, computer info and chrome info

Not sure if I have a problem, but it is different from yours. annie Nelson 10201833750420872

Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
WebGL2: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable

Problems Detected

Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing

Version Information
Data exported 2021-04-14T00:39:47.136Z
Chrome version Chrome/89.0.4389.114
Operating system Windows NT 10.0.19041
Software rendering list URL https://chromium.googlesource.com/ch...ring_list.json
annie Sugar Plum Fields
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black screen, web gl

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