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Old Jan 02 2024, 12:57 AM
don has fuel and ... don has fuel and ... is offline
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Default facility request wall

sir and or madam

My facility request wall works very erratic, sometimes it will show me post for only 8hrs back, sometimes 12 hrs and today when I had to refresh the wall, it would only go back 2 hours costing me a lot of lost work, what gives?

Thank you for your help

10000000547 Build No: 576
also can't link my farm town acct since I do not have facebook, ty
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Old Jan 02 2024, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by don has fuel and ... View Post
sir and or madam

My facility request wall works very erratic, sometimes it will show me post for only 8hrs back, sometimes 12 hrs and today when I had to refresh the wall, it would only go back 2 hours costing me a lot of lost work, what gives?

Thank you for your help

10000000547 Build No: 576
also can't link my farm town acct since I do not have facebook, ty
Hi don

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

Please consider that during these last days many farmers are not at home or have other activities and your wall requests may show less posts than usual.

Also, if they only post once a day and 8 hours havent past without you working non facilities, then you will only see posts with pink background.

You can try the memcache, link below. A new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and the game. Then reopen the game.


See if in the next few days the Wall requests shows more posts for you.
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Old Jan 02 2024, 09:26 AM
don has fuel and ... don has fuel and ... is offline
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Default re: facility wall requests

Thank you for your reply and yes I understand that Holidays show less posts, thank you, the problem was that the posts were there and after I refreshed the page it took me from a wall full of posts (facility work requests ) to showing only a handful that I had already worked, I even re started my computer and cleared cache to no avail, regardless I did the mem cache and restarted the game (closed and re opened ) as you suggested and I can now see requests up to 10 hours back but no more, not sure what I have to do to lengthen the time frame on that but I least I have these now

Thank you again for your help, Much appreciated
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Old Jan 02 2024, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by don has fuel and ... View Post
Thank you for your reply and yes I understand that Holidays show less posts, thank you, the problem was that the posts were there and after I refreshed the page it took me from a wall full of posts (facility work requests ) to showing only a handful that I had already worked, I even re started my computer and cleared cache to no avail, regardless I did the mem cache and restarted the game (closed and re opened ) as you suggested and I can now see requests up to 10 hours back but no more, not sure what I have to do to lengthen the time frame on that but I least I have these now

Thank you again for your help, Much appreciated
Hi Don,
You may not see posts older than 10 hours or so if your neighbors have all repeated their posts within the last 10 hours, because will only show the last time they posted. The duplicate posts are removed so the most you will see would be one set of posts per person which would be latest time they have posted.
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Old Jan 07 2024, 12:29 AM
don has fuel and ... don has fuel and ... is offline
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Default re missing wall requests

Thank you Taz:

The issue is simple, the request time window showing work request posts is extremely limited, the day I posted here it was only showing 2 hours after an accidental refresh Prior to that the wall was full and I had begun working them when I hit the wrong button and refreshed the page, at that point it now only showed 2 hours of posts which I had already worked. Based on game rules I am to wait 8hrs between working facilities following the clock icon on the game, I do that, however, today it would still only show me 5 hours of posts, I have been playing for a little over 6 months, I know my neighbors and have a good feel for their posting habits, on almost any day, when the game permits me to see the posts, the wall is full and I can work, but when the game limits me to 2 hours or 5 hours, well IDK what to do about that, I think it's a glitch bc my wife also plays and we share some of the same neighbors, and she can see that they have facility requests up but they don't show on my wall bc of the limiting hours that posts show for me, if I am doing something wrong I am happy to fix it but for the life of me I can not figure this out, thank you for your time
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Old Jan 07 2024, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by don has fuel and ... View Post
Thank you Taz:

The issue is simple, the request time window showing work request posts is extremely limited, the day I posted here it was only showing 2 hours after an accidental refresh Prior to that the wall was full and I had begun working them when I hit the wrong button and refreshed the page, at that point it now only showed 2 hours of posts which I had already worked. Based on game rules I am to wait 8hrs between working facilities following the clock icon on the game, I do that, however, today it would still only show me 5 hours of posts, I have been playing for a little over 6 months, I know my neighbors and have a good feel for their posting habits, on almost any day, when the game permits me to see the posts, the wall is full and I can work, but when the game limits me to 2 hours or 5 hours, well IDK what to do about that, I think it's a glitch bc my wife also plays and we share some of the same neighbors, and she can see that they have facility requests up but they don't show on my wall bc of the limiting hours that posts show for me, if I am doing something wrong I am happy to fix it but for the life of me I can not figure this out, thank you for your time
Hi Don,
As I said any duplicate postings are removed so you will only see the last postings of each neighbor. It is not limitied by hours, but a maximum of roughly 100 posts and that would only be if there were no duplicates.
Does the line under the red text say Hide posts from farmmers ... or does it say Include posts? If it says include posts then click on that to include those who have you as a neighbor or buddy and see if the list gets longer.
Beyond that we have no way to see your lists of requests. You can contact Support about this if you wish. To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.
To contact through the website:

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:
Dubh Glais Estates
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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Old Jan 09 2024, 04:29 AM
NooNoo NooNoo is offline
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How do I find out what ingredient posts I have already made please?
Is there any chance that ingredient posts can also be posted to facebook the same way facilities and clients are please?

Visit 's Farm

DB:W20, MPS:C20
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Old Jan 09 2024, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by NooNoo View Post
How do I find out what ingredient posts I have already made please?
Is there any chance that ingredient posts can also be posted to facebook the same way facilities and clients are please?
Hi NooNoo,

I am sorry but nothing has changed in that you have never been able to see your own requests Other Wall Requests to see exactly what you requested or get that information from within the game itself.

If you posted some ingredients recently, you could ask a farming friend if they can still see them there and which ones they see.

You can post 5 bonuses and 5 ingredients within 12 hours.
Once you have posted the maximum in that period and you try to request more ingredients you will see a popup message reminding you of that rule.

You can also use the Show Times tool (Gamewide section), in your toolbox to find out when you can next post them. If there is a time showing you need to wait that time out before requesting another one. If there is a green check mark showing you can post at least one more.

With posting Bonus/Dan Belts we have the Belt Manager in the toolbox to use where you can see your earned belts/dans and it has more space to provide that kind of information. At the top of the Recent Belts section it tells you how many you can post.

If you wish to make a request for any changes you would like, please post those in the relevant thread in the Suggestions area where the developers will see them: https://www.slashkey.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

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Old Jan 13 2024, 12:19 AM
don has fuel and ... don has fuel and ... is offline
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Thank you, it worked fine for a couple of days then back to being very limited again, I know many older posts still have work left as I know my wife's post still had work but my list from the same day did not show her posts, any longer, something is just wrong, getting frustrated and don't want to lose interest due to glitches, it just doesn't make sense thank you again, submitting a ticket
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Old Jan 13 2024, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by don has fuel and ... View Post
Thank you, it worked fine for a couple of days then back to being very limited again, I know many older posts still have work left as I know my wife's post still had work but my list from the same day did not show her posts, any longer, something is just wrong, getting frustrated and don't want to lose interest due to glitches, it just doesn't make sense thank you again, submitting a ticket
Hi Don,
There are 2 limitations to the Wall Requests list. One is only one set of posts per neighbor or buddy, so all previous posts for them are removed. The other is there is a limit to how many posts it will show. That is not based on time, but is based on maximum number that the list can hold.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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