Thread: Official Top Post Thread Wall Request Issues
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Old Aug 27 2021, 04:50 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by Delbet View Post
I am unable to see who has farms to work on the wall and who has worked my farms. It is always someone. Otherwise the new formay is great, been away for a while but pleased to be back
Hi Delbet,

I have moved your post to the thread for display issues.

Has this just happened today or have you had this for a while?

If you are seeing this on all the majority of where friends first names would show like the activity panel beneath your game screen, the my neighbours tab, wall requests then it sounds like you have either cookies and popupsblocked or perhaps an extension added to the browser that may be blocking them.

If it's only one or a few it can mean there's a data transfer issue getting the information about who your friends are from Facebook. In those cases you will usually see that in the my neighbours tab the name won't show, the profile picture might not show and some of the stats within a box are showing 0 and they may be at the very bottom of the list if the game can't see when they were last playing.

Another reason could be that the friend connection has been broken but if they are working your facilities then it's more likely to be a temporary data transfer issue.

These are the things you can try to see if you can correct it:
  • The quickest one is to run memcache. To run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window. Then reload and see if that has helped clear the problem.

    After that if there are still quite a few showing someone instead of a name:

  • make sure that your browser is still up to date
  • clear the browsers caches/history
  • checking that cookies and pops are not blocked in the browser settings. If you need help with that we have instructions for the most common browsers used here:

  • disabling any extensions added to the browser, especially any that may alter the way Facebook looks perhaps to hide ads or change the way it looks and now we are away from flash you don't need the farm town flash enabler any more.

    If you make any changes to your browser, please close it for a few minutes to make sure those changes get saved, some browsers will prompt you to relaunch the browser, some don't.

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Last edited by Tiger; Aug 27 2021 at 04:55 AM.
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