![]() Farm Pass This chapter is a quick guide to Farm Pass. UPDATE 28 MARCH 2024 - There is now an option in your Preferences to show/hide Farm Pass decorations on your farm. Any of the current goal targets and reward benefits may change in the future which will require us to update the information in this Chapter as we get them. Please bear with us when we need time to do this. Although we will list examples of possible goals and rewards this does not mean that you will always be offered one of each or that you will be able to complete all of the ones you are given. The goals are selected at random and everyone will likely have different goals. Each blue link in this post, when clicked on, will take you to that specific post: What is Farm Pass? - description and level required. FARM WORK GOALS - There are 2 types of goals!! It is important to learn the differences between them!
Facility Goals - includes examples of the differences between goals for making/loading products in your own facilities or when the goal requires you to work friends facilities. Earn Farm Cash and Sending Farm Cash Rewards includes how the Send FC to your top Helpers works. Instant Rewards - types of Instant rewards you could earn. Privileges includes how the reward for working non-workable facilites is used. Make sure that you click on this link and read the information about what Neighbours & Buddies will mean and that you will need them on the Website for who will see a requested posts for Ingredients/Bonuses/Gifts and who will be able to send them to you!!!! Description of connections with farmers you need to know! Should you need to get back to this post to look for other information: Each post has a Table of Contents link bottom right of the post, which when you click, will bring you right back here. Last edited by Tiger; Mar 29 2024 at 03:40 PM. |
![]() ![]() What is Farm Pass? Level 100 or above is Required. You will have likely seen the Farm Pass yellow ticket top left of your game screen with a day or time on it. Farm Pass is a seasonal event. It offers the opportunity to earn all kind of rewards by completing different goals as you play and interact with different features of the game! The Season is a Monthly Goal consisting of both Daily Goals and Season Goals. 3 x Daily goals will be unlocked each day for you to complete on the current day. These will be replaced daily by new ones. 3 x Season goals will be unlocked each week for you to complete in the current month Season goals will be harder than daily goals, will earn you more Farm Pass points and you have longer to complete them than the Daily goals as these are not replaced every day. As you complete any goal you earn Farm Pass points which allows you to unlock different kind of rewards. Rewards can be free or premium, everyone will have access to the free rewards. Players who purchase the Farm Pass will also have access to the premium rewards for that month. Some rewards when claimed will grant you instant benefits like farm products, facility ingredients, farm decorations, coins or farm cash Other rewards will grant you certain privileges that enhance your game experience and will remain active for the rest of the season, for example, earning extra products when farming, increased capacity for facilities that produce common ingredients and increased output for trains and ships All Free rewards will be Instant rewards. The premium rewards will include all the privileges and the same set of free instant rewards but with 20% more benefits! The Farm Pass to access the premium rewards each month will cost $4.99 You purchase it from inside the Farm Pass Feature. The purchase process is very much like buying Farm Cash so it cannot be purchased using any Farm Cash you have in the game. NOTES:
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 17 2024 at 12:16 PM. |
To open Farm Pass - Click on the Farm Pass icon located on the left upper side of your game screen.
The Icon will NOT show up if you are below Level 100 in the game. ![]() The one located on your game screen has a time showing next to it. ![]()
Farm Pass starts with showing you the Goals section. ![]() ![]() Your goals will be different to other famers goals and the amounts required for each goal will differ as well. Daily Goals are generally easier to complete than Seasonal Goals as the seasonal ones earn you more points. ![]() There is a scroll bar at the bottom of the window that you will be able to use to scroll through them all as you get more goals to do. We will show more examples of different goals and what the commonly used icons mean later in this chapter. There are also two other sections. Rewards will show you which rewards you could earn and is and where you go to claim any earned reward. The Farm Pass Rewards are always shown on the top row and will be locked until a Farm Pass is bought. ![]() The horizontal brown bar with numbers in it, is an indicator of the points you have and what points are needed to claim a reward. The more points you earn, the more that bar will fill with blue to indicate how many points you have and how far until you have enough points to claim the next reward further along. Privileges are Rewards that can increase what you are harvesting from your farms, harvesting from animals, making in facilities, trading, increase products from your ships and trains. There's even a weekly one for a neighbor to work you Non-workable facilities like mineral mines, bee farms etc. You earn these by completing goals to earn points. Clicking on the Privileges section will show you a description of what each of the rewards. ![]() ![]() When you claim one of those rewards the picture turns colourful so it's easy to see. Buy Farm Pass:
To buy Farm Pass:
Once you have bought the Farm Pass You will then see Farm Pass Unlocked in both the Goal and the Privileges sections and will be able to start earning better rewards by completing goals. If your Purchase did not complete for some reason, please reload the game and check if you have the Farm Pass, if you do not, please check your payment method and see if the purchase was completed. If it was completed please contact the support team by clicking on this link: https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/settings2/support/ Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:25 AM. |
![]() Harvesting Animal Goals need to be done by harvesting your own animal sheds. After 15th September 2022 - Moving forwards, you will no longer be getting any more Harvest Specific Farm Cash Animals Goals. Harvesting Specific Animal Goals will always be either store bought animals or the harvestable animals that are shown on the Send Gift page. You will need to have animals in their respective animal sheds, ready to harvest. You can harvest animals from the facility on your farm or via the Facility Manager. In all case the amounts can be small or very large, the numbers we are showing are not specific to each animal. They can be daily goals - in this case they need to be harvested that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not. They can be seasonal goals - in this case you can harvest them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends. Harvesting pigs can only be done if you own a manure spreader and you have pigs in a pigsty that are ready to harvest. This is because the manure obtained from harvesting pigs is stored in the manure spreader. Pigs are only available from the gift page. Harvesting horses does require owning a stable which costs Farm Cash to buy. There are no coin stables that can be used to harvest horses. All the horses are only available from the gift page. Make sure that in the last week of the season you remember to harvest your animals regularly especially if you have a goal to harvest a large amount of animals. Goals can be for harvesting:
Remember: If you have a farm set as a Quest farm which prevents the animals being harvested using the Harvest all at the top of the Facility Manager you will need to decide if you want to use those for the Farm Pass goal or save them for Quests. If you need a reminder of which animals can be stored in which animal sheds please click on this link: https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...46#post3355746 Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:28 AM. |
![]() Gifts, Ingredients, Send Bonuses Goals Daily Goals (blue background) need to be competed that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not. Seasonal goals (green background) - in this case you can complete them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends. A Blue Silhouette on the picture means you need to help your farmer friends. Gifts Goals ![]() You can use the Other Wall Requests page to send requested gifts. -------------------------------------------------- ![]() In this case it's not a specific gift so you can accept/exchange any gifts and it will count towards your goal. ONE gift per farmer counts. This example requires a gift to be accepted from 12 different farmers. -------------------------------------------------- ![]() This example shows 2 gifts of Cinnamon Tree needed. You only need to accept the amount the goal requires. Farming friends must send that specific gift.
-------------------------------------------------- Ingredients Packs Goals - DARK BROWN gift box When you mouseover these 2 types of goals you will see the phrase Ingredient Packs. ![]() This example shows a total of 3 Ingredient Packs need to be sent. You need to send ONE requested Ingredient Pack to 3 different farmers. To send an Ingredient Pack, look in the Other Wall Requests page. -------------------------------------------------- ![]() This example shows a total of 2 ingredient packs needed so 2 different farmers need to send you the ingredients you requested. -------------------------------------------------- Send Bonuses - Belt Icon ![]() This example shows a total of 18 needed. To complete the goal this farmer needs to send one bonus to 18 different farmers who have posted Belts/Dans. Last edited by Tiger; Apr 16 2024 at 07:33 AM. |
![]() Co-operative, Regular Quest, NCC Goals ![]() Regular Quest goals and Co-operative Quest goals can can be daily and or seasonal goals. Daily goals will be a small amount. Seasonal goals will be a higher amount. NCC (Neighbourhood Chains Contest) goals are always seasonal. IMPORTANT: Co-operative Quest Goals and Regular Quest Goals - When deciding whether or not to complete any of your regular or co-operative quests for a goal, you still need to keep in mind when you can next claim you Farm Cash and if you can get enough done in time to claim that week!!! Completing the last step of a Quest is what governs the time it was completed. You can NOT stop it counting for the week by not claiming the coins. Nothing has changed in that respect. It's up to you to decide if it's the right time to complete any quests so that you can still claim your Farm Cash when that day comes round. Remember to collect your coins on a completed Quest! The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end. The time counts down to 0 Daily goals will have a blue background. The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end. The time counts down to 0 Seasonal goals will have a green background. The types of goals you might get are:
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:30 AM. |
![]() Ships & Trains Goals These can be either Daily and Seasonal Goals or both. You may get a specific or non specific ship or train goal. Your port must be open in order to receive ships from your farming friends. Farmers are likely to choose reliable farmers for their logbooks that will check for ships more often than those that do not. The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end. The time counts down to 0 and your Daily goals must be completed before the day ends. The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end. The time counts down to 0 to indicate when the next season goals will be added. You must complete your seasonal goals before the Season ends which is shown on the Farm Pass icon on the left of your game screen. This example shows roughly 5 days until the season ends. On the last day of the season it will show hours and minutes instead of days. IMPORTANT - Super Neighbours that have the Train Management permission can complete their own train goals by using the farm owners own trains and boosting any trains that have been sent to the farm owner. Examples of Goals: At the top of each goal in the picture it shows you shows you what points you can earn. At the bottom of each picture it will tell you how many times you need to:
Arrows pointing to the right mean Dispatching: In this case ONLY what you do with that specific train will count. ![]() Currently these Train Goals are all daily goals. The goals are selected at random which means that you could get a goal for a train that you do not own yet or that can not be dispatched that day. Goals could be for any of the different speed trains that also have long cars attached:
Arrows pointing down mean Unloading: Unloading goals can be for any of the different Ships or Trains. You can get more than one goal per Season. You many be required to Unload the same colour ship or same speed train more than once for any goal. ![]() ![]() If you have 2 standard trains that can be unloaded both will count. As a Super Neighbour with Train Management permission you could also unload those specific trains belonging to the farm owner or a combination of one of your own and one of theirs. Always check before doing so in case the farm owner needs them to complete their own goals. ![]() As a Super Neighbour with Train Management permission you could also unload those specific trains belonging to the farm owner or a combination of one of your own and one of theirs. Always check before doing so in case the farm owner needs them to complete their own goals. A Blue silhouette means you need to help friends/neighbours with their ships/trains. When your goal is to Boost a specific train, farming friends will need to send you a train boost for that train. ![]() ![]() As a Super Neighbour with Train Management Permissions you could boost trains that have been sent to the farm owner that you are a Super Neighbour for via the Train Manager accessed form the Yellow Toolbox when you visit their farm. Please make sure that you have the farm owners permission to do so in case they need them to complete their own boost train goals. You may also get a non-specific train goal. Where there are multiple trains showing in a picture that means they are not any specific speed trains. ![]() As there are quite a few needed, this goal is a Season Goal which gives you more time to complete it, depending on how long is left of the current season. It doesn't matter which speed trains you help with, what will count is the amount of them. Your port must be open in order to receive farmers ships and you must be on their ships logbook.
![]() You can also get a non-specific ship goal. In this case it doesn't matter which ship you help with, what will count is the amount of them. Where there are multiple ships showing in a picture that means they are not specific ships, what will count is the amount of them. ![]() Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:31 AM. |
![]() Hired by a Stranger at Market Goals All of these goals require you to be hired by a stranger at market!! You must claim the job completion bonus on every farm worked!! ALWAYS mouseover a goal and READ the information in the tooltip to get the full details on what you need to do!! The example below shows the kind of the information you could see in in a tooltip. The information in this tooltip tells you that the 3 different jobs must be done in a single hire, you need to get hired at the Job Marketplace AND that the job completion bonus must be claimed before progress is recorded. . ![]() Job Completion Bonus - Getting hired by a stranger at the Job Marketplace earns you a Job Completion Bonus when you complete all the jobs you are hired for on each farm.
The types of goals and amounts you need to work or earn can vary. We are only showing a few examples: Multiple job goals have a picture of an avatar AND several tools. The number at the bottom of the picture tells you how many different types of jobs you need to do. Work a minimum of x jobs in ONE job hire - can be all on one farm or spread over more than one farm. As you do each job AND claim the bonus chest for every farm, the counter will increment. The example below is to work a minimum of 5 different jobs so that could be harvest crops, harvest trees, chop trees, flowers, fishing. ![]() Multiple Farms goals have a picture of an avatar AND the farm grid on them. Work a minimum of X farms in ONE job hire. These can be any job type but must be a minimum of X farms. The number at the bottom of the picture tells you how many farms need to do. As you complete each farm AND claim the bonus chest the counter will increment. The example below is to work a minimum of 4 farms. ![]() Earn X coins in one job hire OR over several jobs. These have a picture of an avatar AND yellow coin icon on them. The number at the bottom of the picture can be just a 0 if it's a large amount as the there is no room to display large amounts. As you earn coins and claim the bonus chest on every farm completed, the zero figure will change to show your progress. Mousing over the picture will show more information. ![]() Earn XP You need to earn a set amount of XP (experience points) in one job hire or over several jobs. These have a picture of an avatar AND an XP icon on them. The number at the bottom of the picture can be just a 0 if it's a large amount as the there is no room to display large amounts. As you earn XP and claim the bonus chest on every completed farm, the zero figure will change. Mousing over the picture will show more information. ![]() Last edited by Tiger; Sep 23 2024 at 03:36 PM. |
![]() Farm Work Goals that can be either completed on your own farms hired to work for other farmers as a Super Neighbour or a combination of both! UPDATE 15 September 2022: Hiring Neighbours (when NOT a super neighbour) has been FIXED and will now count towards one of these goals. Type of farm work includes Harvesting, chopping, fishing, planting seeds with any size tool. These can be done on your own farms, hired to work on other farmers farms including as an Super Neighbour. Watering flowers Goals can ONLY be done with the watering can!!! These Goals that are NOT the ones where you need to be hired by a stranger at market!!! - If when you mouseover a goal you see Purple Text, that is a goal to work for strangers at the Job Marketplace and are NOT these goals! IMPORTANT Information about Hiring Farmers to work your farms and Super Neighbours:
Some quantities on Goals will be small amounts some will be far larger!!! Fertilization does not make any difference to the counter amounts. Every item (crop/tree/flower/fish) counts as ONE. All of these Goals can be Daily and/or Seasonal goals. The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end. The time counts down to 0 The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end. The time counts down to 0 Examples: At the top of the picture of each goal is the points you can earn. At the bottom of each picture a smaller quantity could show something like 0/549. As you work the 0 will increase to reflect the amount you have done. When only a 0 is showing which you will see when it's much larger quantities, you can mouseover the goal to see the exact quantity. As you work that item the 0 will change to reflect the amount you have done. Where there is just a tool showing in the picture, you don't need to work specific crops/ trees/ flowers/ fish. These can be done on your own farms or by working for other farmers as an SN or being hired at market. Any size tool for those workable items can be used. Using bigger tools requires Fuel. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where there is a picture of a specific crop/ tree/ flower/ fish as well as a tool you need to work that specific item to get that goal completed, no other items will work. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You can harvest and plow at the same time if you wish. These examples are lobster, tuna, salmon and yellowtail. These smaller amounts to fish are the premium fish you can get from fishing Farm Cash waters. ![]() Example: if your goal was for fishing squid, you would need to fish big sea coasts to count towards that goal, the other types of waters won't count. ![]() You MUST use the Watering Can to water specific or non-specific flowers. DO NOT USE any of the mobile sprinklers. The watering can is in your toolbox at the bottom of the 5th column from the right. Before watering flowers, mouseover the flowers to make sure enough drops are clear drops and not blue drops!. You need a MINIMUM of one and a half drops clear, like the example below. To be on the safe side 2 clear drops would be better, but it's up tp you what you want to try! ![]() You can't water flowers when the drops are all blue! ![]() The reason we recommend preferably 2 drops clear is because there can be times where you are slightly early. The drops are not an accurate timing so you can still see a green underneath the watering can making it look like they can be watered but when you try you can sometimes see notification which means it's too early to water them. ![]() Where there is just a watering can showing you can water any flower (non-specific). ![]() Where there is a specific flower showing along with the watering can, you can ONLY water those flowers to count towards the goal. ![]() Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:33 AM. |
![]() Facility Goals - making or loading products, working facilities for friends These goals can be daily or seasonal goal, they can be small or large amounts. The times in both the Daily Section and Seasonal Section help you to know when a day or season will end. Daily goals need to be completed that day. They will be replaced by new ones even if they are not completed. Seasonal goals last all season so you have longer to complete them and claim any rewards before the season ends. These goals can be to make or load products in your own facilities. They can also be to work friends regular facilities or service facilities. In this case you must complete enough farms with facilities on until the mayor takes over and finishes the rest of the facilities on the rest of the farms for you. Then any qualifying facilities will count.Each goal can be moused over to see the tooltip which help you when you don't recognize the product or the facility. The number at the top of each picture is the points you could earn. The numbers at the bottom reflect how many you need to do and updates as you make progress to complete the goal. Example of Goals you could get are shown below. Your own Facilitiy Goals: A picture of a product showing AND a facility. You will be making loading products in your own Facilities. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Goals to Work Friends Facilities: A picture of a Facility AND a blue Silhouette You will be working either Regular Facility or Service Facility Requests for your Friends. The easiest way to find Friends Facility Requests is in the Facility Wall Requests
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Farm Pass Server Mismatch Error: If you like to work facilities in several tabs at once, don't leave Farm Pass open in another tab where the game is loaded or look in Farm Pass while the other tabs are open. You will need to finish working all the tabs, close them and then load the game in one browser tab BEFORE you check Farm Pass!! If you don't OR you try to check Farm Pass when work has finished in another tab, you could see an error pop up in every tab that is open to the game saying Farm Pass Mismatch Error! That's because in all the other tabs the Farm Pass is seeing what you worked in a particular tab and is ALSO seeing a different number in another tab which is why they don't match! Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 09:33 AM. |
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