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Old Oct 13 2011, 12:25 AM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Arrow Co-operative Quests - Help With Buying Items

Co-operative Quests - Help With Buying Items

REMINDER - Please remember that you need to change any saved signature with your farm links in them to Slashkey links please and that when not using a signature that you need to post Slashkey farms links.

Forum members can help themselves and others complete their Co-op quests even when they are not Neighbours or Buddies by posting in this thread to list the details of any Co-operative Quests they have not completed yet.

You must ALWAYS list your own Quests as well as your farm link in your post to help others.

You can post a request for help with your own Quest as long as you list the quest you need help with along with and the ingredients and products needed for that Quest and your farm link so you help others as well.

Please provide ALL of the following information about your co-operative quests:

  • The name of the Quest and include if it is a Load or Produce Quest.

  • The amount of TIME left on the quest.

  • The Ingredients and Products used in the quest.

  • Your farm link in your post so that your farm can be visited in order to view your co-operative quests, to purchase from you or leave you a message on your farm if a member can help you with your own quest.

    If you need instructions on how to get your farm link for Farm Town and how to add it to your post, please click on the following link:

    Please Remember to remove any of your completed or expired quests from your posts. If you are not sure how to do that, just make a new post with your updated quest information.

Strangers can not click on any help notes that you place on your quests. Instead, you can search this thread for the item you need and go to their farm to buy the item you need from them.

By listing your own co-operative quests here along with your farm link, which you will see other members have done in this thread, then members can come and buy from you and leave you a message so you can go to their farm to buy from them, if you also need help with your own quest.

When sending a message to someone who is not your friend, you need to remember the following about sending messages:
  • If you are on line and can see them, you can use the message envelope at the bottom of the co-op window to send them a Private Message. This then appears to them in the chat window at the bottom of the game screen, so if they are still at the same location you are, they will see it. No-one else will be able to see that private message.

  • If you are visiting a strangers farm and are viewing their co-ops, they may not be online or in the same location you are, so in this case do NOT use the message envelope at the bottom of the co-op window to send a message. Instead, you need to close the co-op window and click on the little notepad located bottom left of the screen to send them a message. This then sends the message to their in game messages instead of the live chat window. When they read your in game message, if they wish to buy from your quest, they can then click on the green man at the bottom of the message to go to your farm to view your quests.

Please note: All posts within this thread will be deleted,
when the post date (top left of each post) are a week old.

This helps members avoid having to go to farms where the quests have already been completed and therefore, unable to get the items, that were on offer.

Posts are deleted by original post date, early that morning and not the the modified date that shows when a post was last edited. We do not read through all the posts but will delete the older posts.


Last edited by Tiger; Aug 28 2023 at 05:54 PM.
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Old Feb 06 2025, 12:34 PM
iwoeb iwoeb is offline
Join Date: Nov 08 2009
Posts: 49

load kidney failure remedy, kidney failure remedy, Juniper berries, Echinacea berries (23 hours left)
(Need kidney failure remedy)

Load watermelon water, watermelon water, watermelon (4.4 days)


Please leave a note on my farm so I can buy from you too. thanks

Last edited by iwoeb; Feb 09 2025 at 12:17 PM. Reason: .
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Old Feb 11 2025, 01:16 PM
amycamille amycamille is offline
Join Date: May 26 2013
Posts: 17

Load Halo-Halo: halo-halo, lemon-lime gelatin, coconuts, palm fruit, plantains, cow milk, flan, vanilla ice cream, gelatin, sugar, lemon extract, limes, cream, hen eggs, vanilla extract, cinnamon bundle, vanilla, sugarcane, lemons, grain alcohol, cinnamon log pile, corn

Please let me know if you have or if you buy any of these items so I can come over and get some from you. Thank you!

Last edited by amycamille; Feb 12 2025 at 02:53 AM.
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Old Feb 15 2025, 09:56 AM
joshjoys16 joshjoys16 is offline
Join Date: Jul 17 2016
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 6

food display cart, pine lumber pile, flat glass sheet, stainless steel sheet, pine log pile, quartz rock, soda crystals, iron ore, chromite ore

plastic granules, red pigment, orange pigment, beige pigment, black pigment, petrochemical barrel, beets, carrot, clay block, walnuts, crude oil barrel

SWING DOOR (4.4 days)
pine lumber pile, pine log pile


Last edited by joshjoys16; Yesterday at 09:37 AM. Reason: add new quest
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Old Yesterday, 11:26 AM
johncinj johncinj is offline
Join Date: Jan 27 2015
Location: Washington
Posts: 22

High Rise Descender: Chromite ore, iron ore, stainless steel sheet. No facility.

Camel Milk Cheese: Oregano, salt, rennet, starter culture, camel milk, buy camel milk cheese. No facility. 1.7 hrs left

Examination Table: Crude oil, walnuts, sunflowers, turpentine, latex, plasticizer, salt, petrochemical, graphite ore, iron ore, black pigment, yellow ink, plastic granules, rubber sheet, foam sheets, vinyl roll, carbon steel sheet. No facility. 15 hrs left

Minced Pork Noodles: Apples, wheat, cider barrel, soybean, salt, mackerel, hen eggs, flour, lettuce, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, fish sauce, mushrooms, pork, egg noodles, buy minced pork noodles. Oh come on :'( No facility. 1.5 days left

Last edited by johncinj; Yesterday at 10:12 PM.
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Old Today, 03:47 AM
Hayseed C Hayseed C is offline
Join Date: Sep 04 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 25

Chicken Aji - wheat, flour, pecans, hen eggs, bread, cow milk, peppers, chicken, rice

Please leave a note on my farm if you buy anything as I might need it too.
If I've run out of something you need let me know and I wiil try to re-stock.
Thanks for looking
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co-operative quests

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