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Old Dec 20 2024, 02:56 PM
KLSiegel320 KLSiegel320 is offline
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Default Mysterious Problem When Hired

I was hired this morning for a large job. I was about a quarter of the way through when I noticed harvested but unplowed plots appearing as I was harvesting. I had to click over them to get the tool to change for the next type of thing (i.e. chopping, tree shaking, etc.), but eventually it appeared I had done all the work and was ready to move on - except I got the "job not done" dialog when I tried to advance. I went forward anyway, worked the next farm, and then went back - and the previous farm looked untouched. So I tried again - same result. Eventually I had to leave, but I did leave a note for the owner letting them know what happened.

This happened again a short while later, on another hiring. Meanwhile, the person who hired me originally replied to my note to say that she had also encountered this on a job she was hired for.

Not sure why - but thought you should know this has been seen.
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Old Dec 20 2024, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by KLSiegel320 View Post
I was hired this morning for a large job. I was about a quarter of the way through when I noticed harvested but unplowed plots appearing as I was harvesting. I had to click over them to get the tool to change for the next type of thing (i.e. chopping, tree shaking, etc.), but eventually it appeared I had done all the work and was ready to move on - except I got the "job not done" dialog when I tried to advance. I went forward anyway, worked the next farm, and then went back - and the previous farm looked untouched. So I tried again - same result. Eventually I had to leave, but I did leave a note for the owner letting them know what happened.

This happened again a short while later, on another hiring. Meanwhile, the person who hired me originally replied to my note to say that she had also encountered this on a job she was hired for.

Not sure why - but thought you should know this has been seen.
Hi KLSiegel

I had a look at your data and it shows 3 jobs during the morning, one of them for 13 farms.
For all 3 jobs you got the bonus chest.

Im not sure what happened, but it could be that you had an internet issue at that moment.

When you get the message that not all job was completed, you need to refresh the farm you were working on by clicking in the rectangle in the grid and then try to check every job you were hired for by using the smallest tools.
By refreshing the farm, you will not lose the bonus chest.

Try clearing your memcache, you have the link below the farm screen. A new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and your farms and then reopen.

Thanks for your report, we will check on this
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Old Jan 04 2025, 02:18 AM
mrschar mrschar is offline
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Unhappy Tools when working for others

Several times, I have gotten to a farm where Ive been hired to work and have no tools. If they go to the Inn and rehire me, I get there and have the tools. But tonight is different. I was hired to harvest & plow lots of farms. Got to the first one with my little green combine. The farmer asked why I wasn't using her big pink one. We went to the Inn and she rehired me, but I still just had the little green one, which takes a long time on large farms! She hired someone else and they got her big tool. I went back to the market and was hired by another farmer to harvest & plow one farm. It said I would be using her 8x8 combine. Got there with my little 5x5 green one again. Fortunately, it was just for one farm.
I was just hired by another farmer to harvest trees on 8 farms. It took me to her farm 4 as if I was a visitor. Did not show farms I was hired to do and no tool in my hand. :-(
I cleared my memcashe yesterday.

Last edited by mrschar; Jan 04 2025 at 02:34 AM.
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Old Jan 04 2025, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by mrschar View Post
Several times, I have gotten to a farm where Ive been hired to work and have no tools. If they go to the Inn and rehire me, I get there and have the tools. But tonight is different. I was hired to harvest & plow lots of farms. Got to the first one with my little green combine. The farmer asked why I wasn't using her big pink one. We went to the Inn and she rehired me, but I still just had the little green one, which takes a long time on large farms! She hired someone else and they got her big tool. I went back to the market and was hired by another farmer to harvest & plow one farm. It said I would be using her 8x8 combine. Got there with my little 5x5 green one again. Fortunately, it was just for one farm.
I was just hired by another farmer to harvest trees on 8 farms. It took me to her farm 4 as if I was a visitor. Did not show farms I was hired to do and no tool in my hand. :-(
I cleared my memcashe yesterday.
Hi mrschar

I moved your post to the thread about Hiring.

It is supposed that if the farm owner tools are in storage then you should get them if those tools are bigger than yours.

It would be better if you contact Support team so they can check on your problem.

To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.


You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:
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Old Jan 05 2025, 02:08 PM
nickieshow nickieshow is offline
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Default Market Place

Can the developers create moderator to linger in the marketplace, so they can see how unbalanced the game has become? It was already hard to find jobs, now since the Farm Pass has been created Those farmers that have super neighbors are all coming out and taking more jobs. Its not fair to the framers who work their own farms and share there work in the marketplace. Super Neighbors has taken so many jobs and the farmer's that have them now come and take more. I dont hire people that has a sn so it would be nice, That we farmers that are true to the marketplace should be able to choose if we want to hire someone that has a sn.. can they maybe create a message that appears informing us that if the farmer we are about to hire if they have a sn or not.. Like we get a message of what tools we can use. I think that would be a good idea. Let the farmer thats hiring have this option to choose if they want to hire someone who has a sn or not. Their are farmers that lie and say they dont have a sn cause they know farmers who do hire in the marketplace frowns on it..
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Old Jan 05 2025, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by nickieshow View Post
Can the developers create moderator to linger in the marketplace, so they can see how unbalanced the game has become? It was already hard to find jobs, now since the Farm Pass has been created Those farmers that have super neighbors are all coming out and taking more jobs. Its not fair to the framers who work their own farms and share there work in the marketplace. Super Neighbors has taken so many jobs and the farmer's that have them now come and take more. I dont hire people that has a sn so it would be nice, That we farmers that are true to the marketplace should be able to choose if we want to hire someone that has a sn.. can they maybe create a message that appears informing us that if the farmer we are about to hire if they have a sn or not.. Like we get a message of what tools we can use. I think that would be a good idea. Let the farmer thats hiring have this option to choose if they want to hire someone who has a sn or not. Their are farmers that lie and say they dont have a sn cause they know farmers who do hire in the marketplace frowns on it..
Hi nickieshow

I moved your post to the thread about Hiring.

Please post this in our Suggestion section where we have all ideas grouped by theme for the developers to read.

You can't open a new thread there but you can post as a rply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:
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Old Feb 05 2025, 03:50 AM
LisaScobee LisaScobee is offline
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Question VERY strange......

So when I get hired by a farmer and finish harvesting and plowing, I go back to that farm again and the crops are STILL THERE. Not sure what's going on and I don't get the job completion popup

ETA: The farm owner is telling me the crops are still there and when I REFRESH his farms I see that too. I asked him to come here and post behind me.
USER ID number is: 1637121091 Build No: 661
Visit my farm!

Last edited by LisaScobee; Feb 05 2025 at 04:00 AM. Reason: added something
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Old Feb 05 2025, 07:29 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by LisaScobee View Post

So when I get hired by a farmer and finish harvesting and plowing, I go back to that farm again and the crops are STILL THERE. Not sure what's going on and I don't get the job completion popup

ETA: The farm owner is telling me the crops are still there and when I REFRESH his farms I see that too. I asked him to come here and post behind me.
Hi Lisa

I moved your post to the thread about Hiring.

We can't check if we do not have a link to that farm and the farmer didn't post here about that problem.

If you started working and you saw the bonus chest icon then when you finished and clicked in the icon you should have got a pop up to get your bonus or to tell you that something was missing.
If something was missing, then you can refresh that farm and check if something more shows up.

If you started working and you didnt see the bonus chest icon, then you both were neighbors or buddies or you were not hired at market.

As I said, Im sorry but we can't check that farm without a link and it is possible that at this time it is already harvested and plowed again.
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bonus chest, hiring, hiring all farms, hiring issues, no bonus chest, no job bonus, no products, show work info, work completed

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