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Old Oct 06 2023, 01:05 AM
LisaScobee LisaScobee is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Lisa,
I moved your post to the thread about harvesting.
You do have trees that need harvesting on that farm. If it is saying you have crops ready, you may have accidently layered some under the crops you have growing on that farm. The only way to get to them will be when the crops on top are ready, harvest those and then delete those plots. Restart your farms and then see if any plots show again. Delete those and then restart again. Continue until none show up again. Then you can replow and replant.
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The linking does not work any more and really only worked part of the time when we were on Facebook.
I never learned "layering". I specifically looked for CROPS to harvest and then everything else as I've found people want harvesting jobs first. Not sure how to proceed. There's really no way I could have "accidentally" layered something because I never have more than one Farm Town screen open at a time and I never pursued layering because it seemed to be frowned upon.
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Old Nov 29 2023, 09:29 PM
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does this update have anything to do with my fields getting harvested but when you go back there are some still there...my SN tried to do my borders and she couldn't bc the harvested fields are returning as needing to be done, so I tired and same issue, I use chrome, she said she uses edge....not sure whats happening but I am not overly happy...
it may not be the best, it may not be the prettiest, and it's certainly is not the most creative but it's mine and I like it. feel free to visit me but please leave complaints and begging at your own farm.
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Old Nov 29 2023, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers View Post
does this update have anything to do with my fields getting harvested but when you go back there are some still there...my SN tried to do my borders and she couldn't bc the harvested fields are returning as needing to be done, so I tired and same issue, I use chrome, she said she uses edge....not sure whats happening but I am not overly happy...
Hi Don't feed the beggers,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about crops as no this doesn't have anything to do with the release.
This sounds like you may have some fields that have gotten accidently layered. The only way to get rid of those would be to remove all the crop plots from the farm, refresh the farm then remove any more that show back up. Repeat doing this until there are no more crop fields on the farm. Then you can replow and plant it.
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Old Dec 01 2023, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Don't feed the beggers,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about crops as no this doesn't have anything to do with the release.
This sounds like you may have some fields that have gotten accidently layered. The only way to get rid of those would be to remove all the crop plots from the farm, refresh the farm then remove any more that show back up. Repeat doing this until there are no more crop fields on the farm. Then you can replow and plant it.
but how could this have happened, its my waters my trees, my harvested and unharvested fields....I will delete it all and start over but really that doesn't excite me ...all that work ...
it may not be the best, it may not be the prettiest, and it's certainly is not the most creative but it's mine and I like it. feel free to visit me but please leave complaints and begging at your own farm.
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Old Dec 01 2023, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers View Post
but how could this have happened, its my waters my trees, my harvested and unharvested fields....I will delete it all and start over but really that doesn't excite me ...all that work ...
Hi Don't feed the beggers,
Please read the information in the following link before you do anything:
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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Old Dec 01 2023, 02:52 PM
AnnaWalls AnnaWalls is offline
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The last few days, I have noticed that when I hire someone, they don't always get everything. It's only one or two items, maybe a dozen or so crop fields. Today, it happened to me on my own farm. I was going through, cleaning up those oddities, and I had to refresh twice to get all of it and I know I clicked on them. Thought I'd mention it. Kinda annoying.
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Old Dec 01 2023, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by AnnaWalls View Post
The last few days, I have noticed that when I hire someone, they don't always get everything. It's only one or two items, maybe a dozen or so crop fields. Today, it happened to me on my own farm. I was going through, cleaning up those oddities, and I had to refresh twice to get all of it and I know I clicked on them. Thought I'd mention it. Kinda annoying.
Hi AnnaWalls

We are aware of that, please read the following thread:
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Old Dec 01 2023, 10:52 PM
chrisjen chrisjen is offline
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Default Farming not working

Hi, I have been having problems for the last 2 days. After I harvest, plant and chop trees etc, some of the stuff comes back, as if it had not been done. Then I end up with some dead crops. Does it when I do the work, or if I hire someone. any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chrisjen
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Old Dec 01 2023, 11:05 PM
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Originally Posted by chrisjen View Post
Hi, I have been having problems for the last 2 days. After I harvest, plant and chop trees etc, some of the stuff comes back, as if it had not been done. Then I end up with some dead crops. Does it when I do the work, or if I hire someone. any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chrisjen
Hi Chrisjen,
I moved your post to the thread about crops. We are aware of this problem and it has already been sent to the developers.
There is information in the following link:
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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Old Dec 02 2023, 11:28 PM
NJones277 NJones277 is offline
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The last few days, my crops have been all mixed up. My farm 21 illustrates this very well. Today I even had some wasted crops on Farms 4 and 7. When you plant a field, then go to plant another one on the same farm, the first one goes away, so you can see that all is planted as it should be. I irrigate every farm every day when the screen goes back to show the complete farm. When I'm finished working all the farms, I reload the game and check to make sure everything is irrigated/fertilized. There's no way that I should have wasted crops or mixed crops. My farms have not been touched, as far as layering goes, for years, so that's not the problem. Please advise. Thanks
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can't plant, can't plow, can't see crops, crop growth times, crops, farm stats, harvest, harvesting, harvesting crops, offline, plant, plow, seeding

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