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Old Feb 22 2025, 06:38 PM
vbergstrom1 vbergstrom1 is offline
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Default Seeing both farm passes at the same time.

Can we see both farm passes at the same time. It's cumbersome toggling back and forth. If we can, how is it done?
Old Feb 22 2025, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by vbergstrom1 View Post
Can we see both farm passes at the same time. It's cumbersome toggling back and forth. If we can, how is it done?
Hi Vbergstrom,
No there isn't anyway to see both farm passes at the same time. However, if you want to see the combined privilegesfor both then there is a dropdown where you can select that in the Privileges tab that youy can choose to see both of those combined.
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Old Feb 23 2025, 02:14 AM
dave1949 dave1949 is offline
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Sorry if not the correct place Im confused with selling items for FPO2., how do i sell on line regular products, how do I sell online SF items. Thanks
Old Feb 23 2025, 05:34 AM
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Originally Posted by dave1949 View Post
Sorry if not the correct place Im confused with selling items for FPO2., how do i sell on line regular products, how do I sell online SF items. Thanks
Hi Dave1949,

You have to sell directly Avatar to Avatar for both of those. without using the trade warehouse. Hover your mouse over the goal for all the information, check to see if you have to markup any of the items by 10% or more to make a profit.
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Old Feb 23 2025, 05:42 AM
dave1949 dave1949 is offline
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Rob T, tyvm
Old Feb 23 2025, 05:07 PM
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First off, thanks for always coming up with new and challenging things in the game to keep it interesting. That's hard to do with a game that has run so long!

I have two questions:

#1 - I got the Privilege in FP2 to allow a neighbor to work my nonworkables. I already had it in FP1, however, I only saw 1 person get them but the combined privileges says 2/2?

@2 - I got the Privilege to revive wasted crops and I saw in the forum that it allows you to revive crops on other farmers farms, however, I visited one of my buddies that had wasted crops and it never gave the pop up to revive them. Is there something specific I need to do in order to revive them? A tool I need to pick up?

Thanks so much for the help!
Old Feb 23 2025, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by lvlrsSweetPea View Post
First off, thanks for always coming up with new and challenging things in the game to keep it interesting. That's hard to do with a game that has run so long!

I have two questions:

#1 - I got the Privilege in FP2 to allow a neighbor to work my nonworkables. I already had it in FP1, however, I only saw 1 person get them but the combined privileges says 2/2?

@2 - I got the Privilege to revive wasted crops and I saw in the forum that it allows you to revive crops on other farmers farms, however, I visited one of my buddies that had wasted crops and it never gave the pop up to revive them. Is there something specific I need to do in order to revive them? A tool I need to pick up?

Thanks so much for the help!
Hi lvlrsSweetPea,
If the privilege says 2/2 then 2 different neighbors got them.It may be that both didn't show in the Activity log for some reason.

For the revive to work on another farmer's it may be that you need to be their super neighbor and have the plant privilege in that. We don't have specifics on that. When you are hire by others as in the market you can't plant for them.
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Old Feb 23 2025, 09:45 PM
Tom C Tom C is offline
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I have been doing the farm pass 2 since it came out. I have notice an irritating thing that happens when trying to either sell or buy from a farmers trade wearhouse. If i am there to sell all the wear house gives me buy stuff for the most part, out of say 15 to 20 farmers i might get 2 sells the rest are either buys or they have nothing. if i am there to buy all i get is sells. this seems to happen all the time its like the game knows i need to sell so all i get is offers to buy or vice versa. Does anyone else notice this.

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Old Feb 23 2025, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Tom C View Post
I have been doing the farm pass 2 since it came out. I have notice an irritating thing that happens when trying to either sell or buy from a farmers trade wearhouse. If i am there to sell all the wear house gives me buy stuff for the most part, out of say 15 to 20 farmers i might get 2 sells the rest are either buys or they have nothing. if i am there to buy all i get is sells. this seems to happen all the time its like the game knows i need to sell so all i get is offers to buy or vice versa. Does anyone else notice this.
Hi Tom C,
As this is new everyone is trying to make the same sales or buys as you are so more of them are taken before you get to them. It is not the game itself limiting what is available.
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Old Feb 24 2025, 12:07 AM
Ellsinore Ellsinore is offline
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Is Farm Pass 2 going to continue to be all things Trading Warehouse? I just got the three tasks for the day and two of them are buying/selling something at the market. Has there been any explanation why the big push for this?

I usually finish Farm Pass 1 in two weeks or so, so I was so excited for FP2. Not anymore. Sitting in the market place for an hour is no fun. I hope it improves soon. I definitely won't be spending any money on it again as it is now.
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