Chapter 13.1 Production Facilities
This Chapter 13.1 is where you will find the full list of All Production Facilities.
There are 423 Production Facilities Each letter below is a link you can click on. For example if you want to find facilities with a name beginning with A, you click on the A link and it will take you to the first post with facilities with the name starting with letter A. NOTE: When there are many facilities beginning with the same letter, there will be more than one post to look in, scroll down the page to see other posts and also check the next page. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Should you need to get back to this post to look for another Facility: Each post has a Table of Contents link bottom right of the post, which when you click, will bring you right back here. Last edited by marymarcel; Dec 18 2024 at 05:59 PM. |
Production Facilities beginning with A
African Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Air Fresheners Facility - Cost 30 Farmcash
Airline Catering Facility - Cost 32 Farmcash
Airline Supplies Factory - Cost 2,500,000 coins - Unlocks at level 193
All Ravioli Restaurant - Cost 30 Farmcash
Ambulance Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Animal Accessories Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Animal Remedy Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Animal Shelter Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Animal Sports Supplies Factory - Cost 2,300,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 191
Last edited by marymarcel; Nov 22 2023 at 09:04 AM. |
Production Facilities beginning with A continued
Antique Replica Factory - Costs 4,300,000 coins- Unlocks at level 323
Appliance Parts Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Aquarium Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Arcade Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Argentinian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Artificial Turf Supplies - Cost 6,600,000 coins - Unlocks at level 621
Artisan Cheese Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Artisan Jewelry Studio - Costs 3,900,000 coins- Unlocks at level 271
Artisan Pizza Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
Artisan Ravioli Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Artisan Soap Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Art Studio - Cost 4,000,000 coins - Unlocks at level 129
Australian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Austrian Restaurant - Cost 7,000,000 coins - Unlocks at level 527
Last edited by marymarcel; Nov 22 2023 at 09:03 AM. |
Production Facilities beginning with B
Baby Foods Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Baby Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Famcash
Bakery - Cost 300,000 coins - Unlocks at level 28
Bank Supplies Factory - Cost 7,600,000 coins - Unlocks at level 701
Bar Supplies Factory - Cost 4,100,000 coins - Unlocks at level 387
Barber Supplies Factory - Costs 32 Farmcash
BBQ Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Beach Bar - Cost 32 Farmcash
Beach Gear Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
Last edited by marymarcel; Aug 17 2024 at 10:28 AM. |
Production Facilities beginning with B continued
Beekeeping Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Belgian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Bike Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Billiard Supplies Factory - Costs 5,300,000 coins- Unlocks at level 495
Biotech Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Bird Supplies Factory - Cost 7,600,000 coins - Unlocks at level 539
Blacksmith supplies factory - Cost 3,200,000 coins - Unlocks at level 343
Blood Bank Supplies Factory (FC): Produces Blood Bank Supplies. - Cost 32 Farm Cash
Board Games Factory - Cost 32 Farm Cash
Boat Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Boba Tea Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
Boba Tea Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Last edited by Tiger; Mar 01 2024 at 04:36 PM. |
Production Facilities beginning with B continued
Bolivian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Bottle Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Brazilian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Bread Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Breakfast Restaurant - Cost 1,000,000 coins - Unlocks at level 79
Brewery - Cost 33 Farmcash
Bridge Building Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
British Pie Shop - Costs 4,500,000 coins- Unlocks at level 437
British Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Buddhist Supplies Factory - Costs 4,300,000 coins - Unlocks at level 433 (classified as a Religious facility)
Bulgarian Restaurant - Costs 7,200,000 coins - Unlocks at level 633
Butter Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Butter Making Supplies Factory - Cost 5,800,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 563
Last edited by Tiger; Mar 01 2024 at 03:58 PM. |
Production Facilities beginning with C
Cabaret Supplies Factory - Cost 5,600,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 559
Cajun Restaurant - Cost 4,200,000 coins - Unlocks at level 367
Camel Goods Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Canadian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Candied Fruit Factory - Cost 6,000,000 coins - Unlocks at level 669
Car Dealer Supplies Factory - Cost 4,700,000 coins - Unlocks at level 331
Car Parts Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cargo Port Supplies Factory - Cost 4,500,000 coins - Unlocks at level 395
Carpenter Supplies Factory - Cost 6,500,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 577
Carwash Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Casino Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cattle Show Supplies Factory - Cost 32 farmcash
Last edited by marymarcel; Dec 02 2024 at 06:03 PM. |
Production Facilities beginning with C continued
Ceramic factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
Cereal Factory - Cost 800,000 coins - Unlocks at level 61
Charcoal Retort - Cost 300,000 coins - Unlocks at level 185
Cheese Making Supplies Factory - Cost 6,000,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 567
Chilean Restaurant - Cost 6,200,000 coins - Unlocks at level 613
Chinese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
Chocolate Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
Cidery - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cinnamon factory - Cost 27 Farmcash
Circus Supplies Factory - Cost 2,000,000 coins - Unlocks at level 133
Clock Supplies Factory - Cost 7,200,000 coins - Unlocks at level 531
Cobbler Supplies Factory - Cost 4,400,000 coins- Unlocks at level 477
Last edited by marymarcel; Mar 29 2024 at 10:23 AM. |
Production Facilities beginning with C continued
Coffee Grinder - Cost 300,000 coins - Unlocks at level 46
Coffee and Tea Shop - Cost 33 Farmcash
Colombian Restaurant - Costs 4,200,000 coins- Unlocks at level 431
Composting Equipment Factory - Cost 6,900,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 585
Computer Supplies Factory - Cost 7,800,000 coins - Unlocks at level 705
Confectionery Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Construction Materials Factory - Cost 4,100,000 Coins - Unlocks at level 181
Cookie Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cookware Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
Cosmetics Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cosmetic Surgery Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
Courthouse Supplies Factory - Costs 2,800,000 coins- Unlocks at level 291
Last edited by marymarcel; Sep 21 2024 at 07:21 PM. |
Production Facilities beginning with C continued
Cracker Factory - Cost 7,700,000 coins - Unlocks at level 601
Crafting Supplies Factory - Costs 3,600,000 Coins- Unlocks at level 219
Critter Control Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
Cruise Supplies Factory - Costs 3,300,000 coins- Unlocks at level 347
Cuban Restaurant - Costs 3,700,000 coins- Unlocks at level 311
Currency Supplies Factory - Costs 2,800,000 coins - Unlocks at level 203
Czech Restaurant - Cost 7,600,000 coins - Unlocks at level 641
Last edited by marymarcel; Oct 18 2022 at 06:55 PM. |