Thread: Official Top Post Thread Quests
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Old Oct 11 2023, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by pamme View Post
I attempted to collect my 2 Farm Cash Rewards yesterday for the 8 quests that I completed, but it said that the seven days was not completed yet, come back later. I had less than six hours to complete the seven days. I had to go to work. Of course, when I came back on today, the two quests had dropped off because they were now over the seven days time limit. So, now I am back down to Six quests. This is not right. I don't understand why I could not get the 2 Farm cash when I attempted to. Now they are lost. Is there anything I can do to collect the missing quests Farm cash?
Originally Posted by pamme View Post
Now, it automatically gave me one Farm Cash and deleted the other six that I had before I could get an answer from you. So, I lost one Farm Cash that I should have received yesterday for completing 8 quests in less than seven complete days.

Hi pamme,

I am sorry no-one was available to answer you sooner. However it wouldn't have made any difference to the 2 Quests that had already dropped by the time you posted on the forum. You had already lost out on earning 2 FC because of being late to claim this week.

Your previous claim for FC was on 2023-10-03 at exactly 15:27:34 EST.
You completed your first Quest for the week that same day at 19:14:55 which means that in order for that first quest not to drop this week, you had to get 8 completed and claim yesterday before that one was 7 days old.

The 2nd one that dropped was already 7 days old today at 11:09:02 EST, so that one had also already dropped before you posted.

To try to help you understand the 7 day timings:
When you have enough quests completed to make a claim of 1 or 2 FC and you click on the Claim FarmCash button, the time counts back exactly 7 days from that second to see what you completed within those 7 days. When any quest is 7 days old down to the second that it was completed it no longer counts.

As it can be difficult to open and complete 8 quests within a 7 day time frame we recommend that you do NOT complete the last step of any Quest for at least one or two days after you claim Farm Cash for Quests. This then gives you more time to get all 8 done and claim before the first quest you completed since you claimed will drop when it's 7 days old. By doing that it can be possible to collect 2 FC regularly assuming that you can get them all done in time.
The exception to that recommendation would be IF you had any Quests to complete that take a long time to complete, like the Aged Wine and Champagne which can take days to complete. You would also need to consider the timings on any quests that have previous steps that may take a long time to complete and make sure that you could get those done before the first one you complete for the week is too old or the time expires to complete a specific Quest.

The Show Quests button is what helps you know how long ago a Quest was completed. When the time on any Quest you have completed reaches 7 days it will no longer count.

Always remember to collect your coins on any Quest you complete so that you can see that time or you will not be able to see it. Not collecting the coins does not stop the 7 day timer on any Quest. The timer on each quest starts the second the last step is completed.

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