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Old Aug 24 2023, 04:20 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 15,013

Hi Farmers

From Raul's notes for the New Release:

Post Release Updates - August 24th, 4:25PM

- Update your Farmtown picture with your Facebook profile picture. If your Facebook picture changed or if you have created a new Farmtown account, you can copy your current Facebook profile picture to your Farmtown game, just go to the Account tab and follow the 3 steps in the picture section at the bottom.

If you have multiple Facebook accounts, make sure you login to the account that have the picture you want to copy. If by any chance you end up copying a picture from the wrong Facebook account, just logout of Facebook, start the process again and login to the correct Facebook account.

After you have completed this process once, a new Facebook app named "Farm Town Gaming Services" will be added to your app list in Facebook, you can safely ignore it, it's only there to provide the capability to copy your Facebook picture.

- Bugfix: more broken pictures in the 'Pending Gifts' screen and in the 'Farm Pass->Collect Farm Cash' screen

- Bugfix: Sometimes the name of the farmer was shown as 'Unknown' in the 'Farm Pass->Collect Farm Cash' screen