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Old Apr 12 2021, 05:15 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by Irene Jater View Post
Thank you all so much for your hard work. I am reporting a problem with my husbands account - 1116541159. He is unable to get past the first 50 gifts. When he tries to collect the next gifts,its a repeat of the first set. He would appreciate your help with this matter,thank you
Hi Irene Jater,

For future reference it's better if your husband posts his issues himself in the forum so we can work with him.
Thank you for providing your husbands ID.

For stuck gifts that don't clear from the My Requests page, please ask him to follow these instructions if he needs them:
  1. While logged into Facebook, he needs to click on this link to go to the Facebook Games Activity area of Facebook.

  2. Find his Farm Town Requests on that page and click the X on all the ones that he knows are stuck in the My Requests page to clear them out.

    That page can only show up to 100 gifts at a time, if there is more than that amount stuck he will need to return to that page again to clear any more out before My Requests will start working again.

    Please do not try accepting the stuck gifts or try boosting any trains from that page. If any of the train requests are stuck, the X needs to be clicked on those as well.

  3. Then please also run FT memcache to clear any stray data that may have been causing a problem. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared.

  4. Then close the browser, reopen and try My Requests again and see if that corrects the problem for him.

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