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Old Feb 25 2021, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
Yes, that's exactly what it looks like. Set to "All Facilities". "All Farms" "Regular Facilities ALL". "Service Facilities ALL". It is like this when I go to purchase facs. And, those new purchases show up within the manager - on the correct farm - but they are not selected. Thanks for the help :-)
Hi Early Girl,

marymarcel is not available at the moment, she did try doing that and wasn't able to reproduce it so may not have used the same method you are using to buy and place the facilities.

I can see you like to layer and place facilities off the edges of the farms, so I'm assuming you are using the purple hand to buy the facilities and place them there, would that be correct?

Do you have a farm that isn't layered with a clear space that you could try buying an placing a facility on without using the purple hand or putting it off the edge of the farm and see if it does the same thing with the check mark on that. Just trying to pin down how to reproduce it. It's ok if you don't want to try that on a layered farm as we are aware that not all layering methods are possible to do at this time.

Were there any facilities at all on those farms before you purchased more for them or none at all? If there were some on there and they were a specific type, which ones, for example just animal buildings or non-workable, regular, services, all coin or a combination of coin and Farm Cash facilities?

I have copied your posts over to the relevant closed thread for the devs to see, in the meantime.

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Last edited by Tiger; Feb 25 2021 at 06:50 AM.