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Old Jan 04 2018, 07:53 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan View Post
Trying to understand what just happened. I went to export products - opened the screen and there were maybe 8 or 9 neighbors I could export to - some could export 40 products, some 80 and one neighbor could export over 200 (260, I think, but it might have been 240). I like to send goodies to as many people as I can so my strategy has been to start with a lower numbered person. So I chose one of the people who could export 40 and clicked that button. I had assumed that EITHER the others would remain unchanged (which happens at times - I guess if they have different products from what the 40 person had) OR that the people with 80 would go down to 40 and the person with 260 would go down to 220. What happened instead is that after I clicked, I DID still have some people with 40 (not sure if those were some of the original 40s or whether they were some 80-40=40 people), but the part that suprised me is that the person who originally had 260 now couldn't be exported to at all. In other words, to maximize my exports, I would have had to export to THAT person first - to make sure I got at least the 260. Is this a bug or is there another explanation? I would think that even if the 260 person had that many of just one product - that after I exported 40 of that product to the first person, I'd still be able to export 220 to this person. But maybe it doesn't work that way.

If it matters, this is my Soft Drink Factory > Snack Machine that DID have a bug in it at one point. I think Raul said that particular bug would be fixed with the next release so maybe this is part of that and he just hasn't gotten to it yet, which is fine. Just trying to understand what happened here if it's NOT a bug.

I'm sort of hoping this is a bug, actually. I like the strategy of being able to start with the lowest person first so I can export to more people. Spread the wealth.


Hi Susan

I will try to give you the better explanation I have for this.

The Soft Drink Factory products are used in multiple service facilities like the Movie Theater, Dance Club and Snack machine.

When this happens, you can only see the picture of one of those services, in your case, the Snack machine, but you are probably exporting to the other services too. When developers complete the ‘Check Products’ button functionality you will be able to see exactly which products you are exporting and with that information you can figure out on which facility they are being used.