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Old Dec 22 2017, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by TexasStar View Post
Facility Chains:
1. GLITCH My Mom is a neighbor and has the Flower Shop as a chain. We were sitting together when the following happened: She was able to export products to my Bridal Shop and received about approx 369,000 coins. (message showing the amount floated to fast for me to be more specific. I DO NOT have a Bridal Shop Chain! If my Mom and I had been figuring this out together, neither of us would have know this was a glitch.
I am wondering if I lost those coins, since I cannot import the products, or if it doesn't deduct from my farm coins until I import?
2. If I produce enough products from my reg facilities to keep my service facilities loaded, any products I import will not produce any profit because they will either sit in my storage or they will sell at the market for the same price I paid when Importing. Please confirm this is correct.
Hi TexasStar,

Double check your mom's manager and see if you are still showing up in there. It will likely say 0 can be exported to you if she has just done it. It does sound like she exported to someone else as you do not have the bridal chain.
The coins she earned did not come from you, that is her earnings for making export good and exporting them. You only get coins deducted when you import from someone, you earn coins when you export to someone.
If you can confirm that you are showing up in her manager with a bridal shop, please report this to support.

Yes the imported goods will go to normal storage for you to use the regular way. The difference with those is that it cost you no time or ingredients to make them. Remember you already earned the extra profit in the regular facs chains by making the facilites into a chain so they produced export goods, which you can then use to export to someone else for even more profit than their sale price.

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