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Old Nov 13 2017, 05:44 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 15,057

Hi all

From Raul notes for the New Release:

Post-Release Updates - November 13th, 5:00PM

- Enabled the Delete Chain button for fully converted chains. Notice that in this case all the (Export) products generated by that chain will be sold in the Market automatically.

Notice that when you delete a chain that was not created in the current week and you had already created a chain in the current week, you still need to wait until next week to create your next chain.

- In the case of the Service Facility chains like The Supermarket that use products produced on multiple Regular Facilities, when you click the 'Check Dan Degrees' button you will now be able to select which of the Regular Facilities that supply the Service Facility you want to open. Also, when you open the desired Regular Facility, only products that are used in that particular Service Facility will be shown.

- Fixed the Stone Fence Gate Closed and Hedge Gate Closed decorations