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Old Mar 14 2015, 02:17 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Originally Posted by Dallace View Post
Can someone please explain the difference between non ingredients and non ingredients (for me)? Which one is the best one to sell?
Hi Dallace

I will try to explain the difference

In the Non Ingredients option you can sell all that shows up because those ingredients are not used in a factory or service and also you dont have any box to uncheck them.

In Non Ingredients (for me) option, you can see the ingredients that are used in other facilities or services but you dont have them at this moment. So if you dont have all facilities but you are thinking about purchasing some new ones, you need to check the ingredients listed and uncheck those you think are going to be used in the future. Sometimes new crops or trees are released but they are not used till some months ahead. The thing is, that in this option you have boxes to uncheck products and you also have the option to sell Half.