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Old Dec 31 2012, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by mrschar View Post
Taz, you have helped me with some problems. I know you aren't an administrator, but wish you had some "pull" with them. I have done many quests and get a great deal of pride in doing them very fast. In fact, I have a quest farm to help me complete them rapidly.

It is discouraging when I have 5-6 quests in a row that I can not complete because I do not have the facilities needed. It would be helpful if we accepted the quest AFTER we saw what it was. If we didn't have the facilities (and the lifelines don't help every situation in the steps), we could Pass on the quest and open another one. I understand that some farmers might pass on the smaller ones and go through several before they got a "biggie" more challenging quest that they want. That's easily solved. Just let us pass on only one or two quests that we can't do.

I have another suggestion that would be so very easy to fix. If the quest requires loading into a Service Facility, put a small picture of the facility on that step so you would know at the beginning where it would go. I have gotten a complex quest ready to load only to find that there are more than one Service Facility that uses that product and I don't have the one in the quest. Yes, I can sell the product I just made, but I do not get any bonus for my quick work and I don't get the satisfaction of a rapid completion.

Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully a developer will see it and help us out.

Happy Farming!
Hi there,

Whenever you have ideas for the game, they need to be placed in the suggestions area of the forum. That's where the developers will look to see what ideas they like and may want to change/add or improve to the game. There is no guarantee your suggestion will be implemented, but it will be seen by them.

For quests the suggestions thread to post in is......... If you are going to place a suggestion there please read the 1st post to see if it's already been suggested. Please note comments and replies are not permitted there so you will not receive feedback for your idea there.


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