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Old Dec 16 2010, 06:52 PM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by gomh View Post
thanks for fixing the bug that caused the farm to jump and for blank spots to occur when using tools. (somehow the "follow avatar" option got checked and caused the problem). Now only one problem remains: when planting, some squares don't seed and I have to go back and seed one at a time. These are generally in one line across the farm and there will be normal seeding for some squares and then three or four in a row will not seed and have to be tended individually. Can this be fixed?
Hello there,

Which size tool are you using when this happens ? By any chance is the row of fields you have trouble with plowed slightly further to the left or right than all the others? This can also happen if there are spaces between the fields. If you're using the 4x4 tools, this can happen when the fields don't quite fit into a 4x4 square area.

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