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Sig Sig is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Whoopsidaisy
    Jan 24 2011 10:16 AM
    You are totally awesome!! Yes it worked perfectly, Thank you so very much!!
  2. Whoopsidaisy
    Jan 23 2011 06:54 PM
    Thank you that was exactly what I needed You made it so easy I can now figure out how much of everything I need. Very much appreciated!!
  3. Whoopsidaisy
    Jan 23 2011 08:57 AM
    Hi Sig
    I saw your post about having spreadsheets and such for Farm Town. Any chance you have them posted anywhere? I have a serious mental block when it comes to math and really need a list of how much of each item I need to have to fill my facilities. Baring that perhaps you could tell me how to calculate what I need for myself? No problem if you don't have the time or the inclination since I know I am asking a huge favor, but you never know unless you ask. You aren't going to hurt my feelings by saying no and I apologize if you think it's rude of me to ask!


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  • Last Activity: Aug 31 2011 07:08 PM
  • Join Date: Aug 11 2009
  • Referrals: 0

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