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Hello! Well apparently I need to update this because there are some people on here that do not understand WHY I use large lettering. I did not know people could not see my Facebook account So sorry.I am a 7 time Brain Injury Victim. Why I am still alive is unknown. I am deaf in left ear & I have optic never damage in left eye plus physical problems as well. I have a Service Dog to help me in life. I'm considered permentally disabled collect SSI and SSD. I do work a very part-time job 5to10 hours per week as a dog trainer for the handicapped similar issues like myself. I went to school to become a dog trainer in 2/2006 graduated in 10/2007 thanks to AZ State Voc Rehabilitation. If anyone else has issues with me please confront me privately & not make me look like an @$$ on the forum, Because you have no idea who is on the other end of the keyboards.