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Old Jan 25 2025, 03:18 AM
Nora (EUR) Nora (EUR) is offline
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Suggestion: a new feature or tool that can give our superneighbors access to our storage to get stored flowers or trees and plant them. This could be interesting when we want to move flowers or trees from one farm to another. Or plant the stored flowers/trees we gather from the gifts. Now we have to plant the flowers or trees one by one. A multiplanter or transplanter costs a lot of FC. Not everyone can afford this tool.
A disclaimer might be added to make us aware that WE give authority to a superneighbor to access our storage. The access can be removed when work is done.
Maybe a tool or feature that costs us a small amount of FC or eventually coins. A moderate amount if possible!
Thanks in advance to consider this suggestion.
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Old Feb 19 2025, 10:26 AM
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TsunamiVince TsunamiVince is offline
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Default Something needs to be done about the trading warehouse

The problems with the trading warehouse are even more apparent now that farm pass 2 uses it so often.

1) Eliminate the "super facility." I still have no idea what this does or why it's needed. If I want to trade it's for stuff I have grown, not some random facility FT picks. I don't remember what it randomly picks so I never remember what it is I can trade. It's just stupid.

2) Eliminate limits. If I want to trade all day long then so be it. I want to get the chocolate facility on every one of my farms and do nothing but grow cocoa all day long and trade for everything else. You can't do this. So what's the point of the trading warehouse if you can't trade?

If I need a spreadsheet and a flow chart to figure out what I can and cannot do in the trading warehouse then it wasn't designed correctly. I sat down and learned all the rules about the trading warehouse and got good at it. Then I realized it just wasn't worth the hassle. With all of it's limitations I just gave up on the byzantine rules required to do anything there, I gave up on it years ago. Now that farm pass 2 requires trips to the trading warehouse I have no idea what I really need to do. Super facility yes/no. Trading warehouse yes/no. Direct buy yes/no.

If I wanted confusing, contradictory, arbitrary and nonsensical rules I'd go play dungeons and dragons.
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Old Feb 22 2025, 08:54 AM
bbarksda bbarksda is offline
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Please increase the amount of storage space as much as you can. Running Out. Thanks.
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Old Feb 28 2025, 03:33 PM
JNelson JNelson is offline
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there are too many markets can it be more simplified and do by language instead
for example,,,,
British , Am English, French, Dutch, Spanish
i think there are 3 for English so can you label them 1 2 3 please

it will make it a lot more easy to meet up with a specific farmer or for those players who want to geographically disversify their neighbors and buddies

alt suggestion, do by continent but i think the language would be better
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Old Mar 02 2025, 03:54 AM
Aussie Rae Aussie Rae is offline
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I think we need another market, just for those doing Farm Pass as a lot of the avatars currently don't have a clue or are not doing either #1 or #2 and just sit there taking up space or trying to get us to take FREE goods when a lot of tasks require priced above market price... and its getting harder every day. Just a suggestion, if it has already been sugested please remove, thanks heaps..
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Old Yesterday, 05:13 PM
closerfan closerfan is offline
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It would be nice to be able to put gifts received directly into storage.
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