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Old May 25 2019, 05:43 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default How do I move around my farm?

How do I move around my farm?

To move your avatar, you can just click your mouse anywhere on your farm to move from one place to another place. Your avatar will move to where you clicked. When you get to the stage where you have a considerable amount on your farm, your avatar can jump to the spot you clicked on instead of walking to it.

To move the whole farm in any direction, click on the left button on your mouse and hold it down, then drag your mouse to move the farm in any direction. When you release the the left button, you stop moving the whole farm around.

I bought a Second farm. How do I get back to the First one?
When you buy your 2nd farm you will have been asked to reload the game so your new farm can be added. Look towards the top left of your game screen and you will see there are now two small boxes with numbers in the boxes instead of just one box with the number 1 in it.

The farm you arrived on when you reloaded the game is Farm 2 the one with the yellow background colour. This yellow background on any farm number indicates the farm that you are currently on.

To go to Farm one just click on the box with the number 1 in it and you will be taken to Farm 1.

To go back to Farm 2 click on the box with the number 2 in it.

When you have bought 4 farms or more you will be able to see those boxes at the top now have a title SHOW NAMES
Same as before, each of those boxes represents one of your farms.
This example shows 10 farms:

The top row left to right are farms 1 to 4, the second row underneath are farms 5 to 8 and so on.

If you mouseover that grid it will expand so you can see it much bigger. Hover over one of the rectangles and it will tell you name and size of that farm.

Clicking on SHOW NAMES will open a new window showing you all your farms. If you click on the name of a farm it will take you to that farm. You can find out what else this window can show in
Chapter 16 How do I navigate from farm to farm?

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 29 2024 at 12:53 PM.