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Old Apr 18 2023, 10:18 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default Manage Sender Example

One of the first things you will notice in various areas on the Website is where Neighbours and Buddies pictures can show up.

(Seaport Manager, Train Manager, Importing from the Facility Chains, the Games Activity Panel beneath the game screen are a few)
is that the farmers showing up will either have
Neighbour, Buddy or Manage under their picture.

Now that Farm Town is no longer on Facebook the Website will not be able to get any information from Facebook for who your friends are and how you may change those in the future.

Neighbours and Buddy connections within the game are important connections within the game.
It's strongly suggested that you start adding Neighbours/Buddies to help you with various features in the game like working facilities, ships, trains, gifting and many others.

To maximize the amount of farmers you interact with it's better not to add the same farmer as both a Neighbour and also as a Buddy.

Keeping different farmers on the Buddy List than you have as your Neighbour gives you more farmers that can help you.

This is an Example of Manage/Buddy/Neighbour on Train Boosts received:
on the Website you can ONLY send train boosts to those you have as a Neighbour and those you have on your Buddy list

Dara has been able to send this farmer a train boost because she has a connection to that farmer, she has them as her Neighbour OR she has them on her Buddy List.

The farmer she sent it to does NOT have Dara as a Neighbour OR Dara on their own Buddy List so they see Manage on her Train Boost when she sends it to them.

The farmer she sent it to can Boost that train, BUT what they can NOT do is return the favour and send a Boost back to them
UNLESS they click on Manage and add them as a Neighbour OR a Buddy.

This is what it can look like when you click on Manage.
Your percentages are likely to be different.

These examples are the different brief notifications you could see when adding a farmer to a List depending on if your List has room to add them or is Full.

You will see a similar Manage Sender Window when you click on Manage in other areas of the game. Not all of them are showing up or are fully enabled yet.

For example, the Manage when seen in the Activity Panel below your Game Screen (yellow Box that shows who has recently helped you) does not show in the Facebook version. It does show up in the Website.

When Manage is not enabled in various features, when you click on it you will see this:

We will be adding more information in the various Chapters with more detail about what happens when you use Manage and add them to a List, whether a permission to add will be sent that needs approval or it is assumed that no permission is needed so you know the differences.

Links you can click on to take you to that information will be provided to take you to in specific posts within the Web Guide.

To go to the Web Guide for Chapters 1 through 12 scroll down to the next post down OR you can click on this link:

Last edited by Tiger; Aug 30 2023 at 08:37 AM.