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Old Apr 18 2023, 10:23 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,721

What is Manage in the Facility Chains for?

In 2 areas of the Facility Chains you can see Manage which allows you to add that farmer as a Neighbour or Buddy as long as you have not reached your Limits for those lists!

You can see Manage under a farmers picture in these 2 places:
  • In the My Chains section when you check the products that can be imported from a Specific Chain.

  • In the Trade Products Section where you can Import and Export much Faster to all Neighbours and where you can Import from Buddies.

    • You can Import AND Export to Neighbours.

    • Buddies can Export to you as they have you as one of their Neighbours,
      BUT you can NOT export to them until you add them as a Neighbour.

      Converting a Buddy to a Neighbour can be done from your Buddy List NOT from the Facility Chains! If you would like a reminder on how to that with the Buddy List CLICK HERE

To add a farmer as a Neighbour or Buddy, click on Manage
When you click on Manage, as long as you have room in either your neighbour List or your Buddy List you can add them as a Neighbour or Buddy.

This is what it can look like:
Your percentages are likely to be different.

When you are able to add them as a Neighbour or Buddy, no permission is required their end to accept it, as at some point you had already given permission for them to have you as one of their Neighbours so there is already a connection on their side.

These examples are the different brief notifications you could see when adding a farmer to a List depending on if your List has room to add them or is Full.

Remember that on the Website:
  • you can still remove your Neighbours via your Neighbour bar at the bottom of your game screen.

  • you can still remove Buddies using the yellow Bulldozer in your Buddy List.

Last edited by Tiger; Aug 30 2023 at 08:50 AM.