How to Check Chain Status and Delete Chains using the My Chains section
When A Facility Chain has not reached chain status yet you can see them all at the top of the My Chains Section of the Facility Chains Manager.
Recap of what is required to reach chain status:
- You need to have 2 of the same facility, each located on a different farm from the other.
- If you have more than 2 facilities only the first 2 will be part of the chain, based on the farm order where they are located at any given time.
- You also need to achieve Dan 7th Degree on each product produced or used in that facility.
This is an example of what you could see when a chain has not reached chain criteria yet. There will be information on each chain to help you.
As you scroll over the chains the background of a chain will turn yellow to highlight it.
The Fishing Tackle Shop has not reached chain status as the criteria to have 2 of a facility has not been met yet.

In this case clicking on Check locations will show you where that facility is located so that you can place another one on a different farm to meet that criteria.
Always check your Item storage for Facilities to makes sure you don't already have another one in Storage that you could use.
The Bed and Breakfast has not met the criteria to have all products that could be imported at 7th Dan.
They have 7 out of the 11 needed.

In this case clicking on Check Dan Degrees will either:
- If you own the facility needed it will open and show you only the products that are not at 7th Dan yet so that you can start more batches to get the 7th Dans required.
- When the chain is one that is stocked by more than one different facility and you have not reached 7th Dan in several of them it will show you a mini menu of all the facilities required and how many Dans are needed. Then if you own it and you click on Open the xxx it will open a specific facility so you can start more batches of the products that need 7th Dan.

- If you don't own the facility required you will see a popup message inviting you to purchase it from the store. Always check the Facilities section of your Item storage before you purchase to make sure that you don't already own one.
When a chain reaches chain criteria:
If it's a chain you can Import from the chain will then have a dark blue Import button when there is nothing to Import yet. The Import button will be green when there are products to Import.
If it's a chain you can Export to: the chain will then have
- a dark blue Export button when you have no products to Export yet.
- a green Export button when you have products to Export AND there is room to export them to your current neighbours.
- a pale blue Export button when you have products to export but your neighbours staging areas are currently full. This will turn green once they have Imported from their chains which will free up space allowing you to Export to them as long as they are not already filled again before you try.
The exception to the pale blue button rule is where multiples of facilities are involved as the products can be stocked in more than one type of facility. In this case it can sometimes still be possible to export products. If it is you will see that when you click on the pale blue Export button.
If you change your mind about a chain and want to delete it: click on Delete Chain.
NOTE 1: If you delete a chain created in the current week you will see a pop-up asking you to confirm.
Clicking the green check mark removes the chain and you will be able to pick another chain that matches this week.
If it's coin regular facilities this week and you deleted a coin regular chain, you can add ONE coin regular chain.
You can not add more than one chain a week even if you delete more than one chain.
NOTE 2: If you delete a chain created in a previous week that does not match this weeks facilities you will not be able to add a chain back for that type of chain until that week comes around again.
Example: Your week is coin regular facilities, but you delete a coin service facility chain or a Farm Cash chain, you can not add a coin service facility or Farm Cash chain back as that does not match. You can only create one coin regular chain for that week.