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Old Apr 07 2016, 07:21 AM
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Default Chapter 31 - Neighbourhood Chain Contest

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Last edited by Tiger; Jul 24 2023 at 02:09 PM.
Old Apr 09 2016, 09:57 AM
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Default What is the Neighborhood Chain Contest (NCC)?

Neighbourhood Chain Contest

To participate in this contest you need to be level 80 or above.
You can enter the Contest between Thursday 12AM EST to Sunday 11:59PM EST

This contest is all about how much XP you and your neighbours can earn by loading/starting products in the facilities in the contest through the week. You compete with 9 other neighbourhoods. The more XP you earn the more points you earn. Everyone will win something by participating. The higher your Rank, in the contest, the better your rewards. The rewards are listed at the bottom of this post.

The fact that you may have less advanced neighbours in lower levels or with less facilities doesn't diminish your neighbourhood chances to do well in the contest because we group the competing neighbourhoods based on their strength.

In other words, less advanced neighbourhoods will be competing with other less advanced neighbourhoods. More advanced neighbourhoods will be competing with other more advanced neighbourhoods.

How points are calculated:
  • Each XP your neighbour earns contributes 1 point.
  • Each XP you earn, will contribute as many points as the number of neighbours you have participating in the contest.
    • If you have 100 neighbours in the contest and each of them earn 1 XP, then your neighborhood score will be 1 * 100 = 100 points.
    • Then if you earn 1 XP yourself, this will add 1 * 100 = 100 points to your neighborhood score.
    • 100 (your neighbours score) plus 100 (your score) gives you a total score of 200.

    This makes your individual effort as important as the total combined effort of all your neighbours in the contest.

The rules for adding facilities to the contest are as follows:
  • If you have none of the FC facilities for the contest then you can only use 2 coin facilities.
  • If you have 1 of each of the FC facilities, then you can still only use 2 coin facilities.
  • If you have more than 1 of the FC facilities, you can use those plus an equal number of coin facilities. For example, if you have 3 of the 2 FC facilities then you can use 3 of the coin facilities. You can only use as many coin facilities as you have FC facilities.

    The game will automatically add the facilities to the game, how to see them is explained later in this post.

To start:
  1. Make sure in your game Preferences you have a check mark added for "Enable NCC". If you do not wish to participate in this feature remove the check mark.
    Click this link if you need instructions on How to Enable and disable the NCC

  2. Click on your yellow toolbox and then click on the bright blue dice located in the far left column at the top. Picture of the icon is at the very top of this post.

A new window will open called "Neighbourhood Chain Contest" and the tab selected (highlighted in orange) is “Contest Info”

Contest Info
This tab gives you a brief description of the contest and at the bottom shows you the facilities chosen for that week. Hover your mouse over each of the facilities to see what they are called, if it's a regular or a service facility and if it's a FarmCash or a Coin facility. . There will be 2 facilities (service and/or regular) that cost Farm Cash to buy and 2 facilities (service and/or regular) that cost coins to buy.

Below each facility is “Work”. Click on it to open the next window “Facilities in Contest”.
At the top there is a message which will tell you if you have or have not got that particular facility in the contest.

Top right of the window is “Add more facilities”. This tells you the rules for adding more facilities to the contest. If you need a reminder on the Rules for adding facilities they are at the top of this post.

Underneath that are the names of your farms. If you have a facility in the contest you will see “Work” on the farms where your facilities are located that are entered in the contest. When you click on "Work" that will open the facility so you can and start/load products. Repeat the process for each of the facilities that you own.

Once you have started production, you can also work your participating facilities anyway you like, using the Facility Manager, working them individually from a farm or using the “Work” buttons inside the Neighbourhood Chains Contest screen. Important: If you have disabled the NCC and decide to participate again, you will need to start/load production via the NCC manager BEFORE you can use another method to start/load your NCC facilities.

At the very bottom right of the box it tells you how many days left for the contest to run.
IMPORTANT: Once the facilities are entered into the contest you must NOT move them to storage or to another farm. If you do, you will see a warning message that tells you that you are in the contest and that storing the facility will make you abandon this weeks contest . If you proceed, the facility will be removed from the farm, and you will be terminated from that weeks contest. In order to remain in the contest, the facilities that are part of a Neighbourhood Chain must remain on the farm during the whole week of the contest. An example of the warning message is shown below.

My Neighbourhood Chains

Your Neighbourhood consists of yours and all your neighbours facilities that are participating in the contest. Once you start the contest, the current neighbour list is the one that you will have until the end of the contest.

If you delete or add new neighbours, that will not affect the neighbours you currently have contributing to your Neighbourhood Chains until the next contest starts

For privacy reasons, profile pictures have been removed from the following pictures.

The Neighbourhood Chains tab will show you the total points you have earned for your contest and the points your neighbours have each contributed to your contest.

Your statistics will show at the top and the rest are ordered by Name. Use the scroll bar to the right of the box to scroll through them all. You can change the view by clicking on the A-Z top right of the box to view by "Score", "Facility count" "Name".

The total score you see with your picture is the total amount you earned for working your facilities PLUS the extra you earned for the amount of neighbours you have that are participating in your contest. Your neighbours will see a different amount for you. They will see their OWN amounts for their own contest, not what you see.

The score you see for your neighbours is how many points your they have added to YOUR neighbourhood contest. The amount you are seeing here is NOT what they will see for themselves in their own contest. This figure is what they have earned for YOUR contest.

There is a message envelope below each of your neighbours pictures, you can click on it to send your neighbour an in game message.

You will also have a chance to thank your top 10 most performing neighbours. To do that click the 'Thanks' button next to each neighbour.

When one of your neighbours buys a FarmCash facility participating in the contest, or a Farm Cash facility and the corresponding extra Coin facility allowed, you will see a red counter next to that neighbour and you will also have a chance to thank the neighbour for that contribution to your Neighbourhood Chain. In the picture above it shows that cindy added (+18) additional facilities to the contest. You can thank them by clicking the Thanks button. The Thanks you send will also carry a random ingredient that can be used in some of the facilities in the current contest for the receiving neighbour.

At the very top where the pictures of the facilities are, it will tell you how many facilities are in a Chain (a chain being one type of facility, comprising of all the facilities you and your neighbours have in the contest) and how many points have been earned for that chain.

There is a top left, next to "Contributors to my Neighborhood Chains", which when clicked on will give you a brief description of this section.

At the very bottom left of the box, in bold text is your Neighborhood Score, it will show you your neighbourhood score for the contest. If you mouse over your total neighborhood score at the bottom of the screen, you will see a tooltip with two lines, one showing your individual contribution and another one showing the combined contribution of all your neighbours.

Competing Neighbourhoods

This tab will show you your neighbourhood and the neighbourhoods you are competing against.
  • Competing Neighborhoods will be assigned on either of two days:

  • For users starting the contest Thursday or Friday the competing Neighbourhoods will be selected soon after Saturday 12AM EST.

  • For users starting the contest Saturday or Sunday the competing Neighbourhoods will be selected soon after Monday 12AM EST.

This lists how many total points each neighbourhood has and your Rank among them. Your Rank is the number in red eg #4. You can change the view by clicking on the A-Z top right of the box to view by "Score", "Facility count" "Name". Note: When you filter the list by Facility Count, you will not see how many facilities each neighbourhood has. The Neighbourhood with the most facilites will be at the top of the list.

Note: A Neighbourhood that has more facilities is not necessarily going to have the most points and Rank 1st. A Neighbourhood with far less facilities can rank 1st and have considerable more points simply because they are reloading their facilities more often than the one with most facilities.

To claim your Reward: When the contest is over you click on the bright blue dice. The "Contest Info" window will display the four facilities that were in the contest, what Rank your neighbourhood finished in and your rewards. Here is an example of a reward >>

You click the blue "Claim Rewards" button to claim your prize, your farm cash if you earned any will be added and your products sent to storage. Then the window will display the next four facilities for the new contest.

If you are Ranked in the top three places, you will also have an opportunity to thank the 10 most contributing neighbours to your chain. You will be reminded to do this when you click the "Claim Rewards" button, you then click on the second tab "My Neighbourhood Chains" . You will see the blue "Thanks" button next to each picture, click on each of them to send the thanks. Then you can go back to the first tab "Contest Info" click the "Claim Rewards" and claim your rewards. The thanks you receive for helping a neighbour rank in the top 3 at the end of the contest will also give you rewards and we will also adjust the quantity of your rewards based on the final rank of that neighbour and also how much more you helped that neighbour compared to others.

Thanks received background colours:
Each user row is highlighted with a different color based on your relationship with that user.
  • Blue shows they are a neighbour
  • Green shows they are a buddy
  • White is a friend
  • Pink is a stranger (none of the above). If it is pink, you will see a 'Visit' button you can click and visit that users farm to see who it is. This means that this user has you as their neighbour but you don't have them as your neighbour. Once you are at their farm, you may decide, if you wish, to remove yourself from their neighbour list using the tool box next to the message icon bottom left of the game screen.

The blue "Rewards Rules" button will tell you the rewards, they are as follows >>

Rank #1: 2 FarmCash and 3 times the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #2: 1 FarmCash and 2 times the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #3: 100% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #4: 70% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #5: 60% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #6: 50% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #7: 45% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #8: 40% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #9: 35% of the output of a selected Train Car
Rank #10: 30% of the output of a selected Train Car

When a contest ends and your Neighborhood ranked in the first 3 positions you will have a chance to post your final rank to Facebook.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 24 2024 at 04:14 PM.
Old Feb 20 2018, 05:02 PM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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How to Enable and disable the NCC

There is an option in your preferences to Enable or Disable the Neighborhood Chains Contest (NCC) if you wish.

To participate in the NCC the check mark must be added, as shown below.
If you do not wish to participate in the NCC you must remove the check mark and then click the green check mark at the bottom of the box to save the setting.

If you disable the NCC then later change your mind, when you open the NCC manager you will see a warning message alerting you that it is disabled:
You then need click the green check mark so the check mark is added back to Enable NCC.
If you make a mistake and click the red X you can either close and reopen the NCC manager to get the popup again or you can enable it manually by going to your preferences and adding the check mark back to "Enable NCC" and click the green check mark to save the setting.

THEN you must also do the following steps for your points to start counting in the contest:
  1. Open the NCC manager via the Toolbox if you do not already have it open.

  2. If you have any rewards from a previous contest to claim, you must claim the reward.

  3. In the Contest Info section, you should see the facilities for the current week. Remember you can only enter the Contest between Thursday 12AM EST to Sunday 11:59PM EST

  4. Click on Work below the facility you have in the contest and start/load a single batch in one of the facilities.

  5. The other two tabs (My Neighbourhood Chains, Competing Neighbourhoods) should then no longer be greyed out. They will change to brown allowing you to access the information in them.

  6. Once you can access those two other tabs look in the My Neighbourhood Chains section and make sure that the points for the facility you just started a batch in were added. Then you can start/load your facilities in the NCC via any method you wish.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 08:13 AM.
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