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Old Feb 23 2023, 05:30 PM
Gapedo Gapedo is offline
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Default No Bait

I have
21 Fish Farming Plants
2 Turbo Fish Farming Plants
All checked of to produce. I have from zero to very few bait, fresh or salt in the last week. If I go to FT Gifts and get bait. 3- 6 - 8 million the next day it is all gone. Last week i deleted all but the Pay lakes/oceans.
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Old Feb 23 2023, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Gapedo View Post
I have
21 Fish Farming Plants
2 Turbo Fish Farming Plants
All checked of to produce. I have from zero to very few bait, fresh or salt in the last week. If I go to FT Gifts and get bait. 3- 6 - 8 million the next day it is all gone. Last week i deleted all but the Pay lakes/oceans.
Hi Gapedo

Please take in mind that the Fish Farming Plant and the Turbo Fish Farming Plant are not workable facilities, so you have to wait 6 hours to get some bait and then send them to your waters.

You can fish farm cash waters every 8 hours. We do not know how many coin waters you deleted but if you had many of them then they were using lot of bait. And sadly it is not easy to build them up easily as you have many farm cash waters.

Just think that when you fish only 1 Big lake with boat you need 201 bait. And you have 178 Big lake with boat, so every time you fish them you need 35,778 bait.
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Old Feb 24 2023, 05:22 PM
Gapedo Gapedo is offline
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I understand I an not working the fish farms. Note items within the fish farm can be checked or unchecked. All are checked. Over a week has went by and I'm at 2,100 salt water baits. 26,000 fresh water baits. These bait numbers change daily from 6,000,000 to 0. I might have 100 lakes total. I have all these Fish Facilities that are not working. Something is very wacky.
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Old Feb 24 2023, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Gapedo View Post
I understand I an not working the fish farms. Note items within the fish farm can be checked or unchecked. All are checked. Over a week has went by and I'm at 2,100 salt water baits. 26,000 fresh water baits. These bait numbers change daily from 6,000,000 to 0. I might have 100 lakes total. I have all these Fish Facilities that are not working. Something is very wacky.
Hi Gapedo,
Open your facility manager and make sure you have a check in the box for each of those facilities.

21 fish farming plants are going to produce 40,500 of each bait in a 24 hour period. Your 2 Turbo fish farming plants will produce 12,000 of each in 24 hours.

You actually have 178 big lakes with boat and 21 frozen lakes. Your 199 lakes will need 41,000 bait every time you fish them. You have 410 big seacoasts which will need 86,000 bait. Those amonunts are each time you fish them, so if you fish twicwe aday then you need twice as much. This is why you are running out of baits.
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.

Last edited by Taz D; Feb 24 2023 at 06:57 PM.
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Old Feb 25 2023, 10:51 AM
Gapedo Gapedo is offline
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Six months ago I had five times as many lakes and oceans and some how I was running millions to the plus all powered by FT, no FT Gifts. As of a week ago I only have Pay water and I can't keep bait. I go to FT Gifts add millions of bait and next day the farm is at Zero.
Is FT disallowing FT Gifts?
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Old Feb 25 2023, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Gapedo View Post
Six months ago I had five times as many lakes and oceans and some how I was running millions to the plus all powered by FT, no FT Gifts. As of a week ago I only have Pay water and I can't keep bait. I go to FT Gifts add millions of bait and next day the farm is at Zero.
Is FT disallowing FT Gifts?
Hi Gapedo,
No Farm Town is not blocking the free gift sites, however those sites have been having problems with the new form of Farm Town, so you may be accepting those gifts, but they may not be getting to your gift box. Slashkey does not own those sites nor do they have anything to do with running those sites.

My guess is before you had all those waters that you had built up a lot of bait and have since used up that excess supply. You can check the math and see that you are not producing enough bait from all of the Fish Farming Plants to do all of the current waters you have now. That is the only thing we can see.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.

Last edited by Taz D; Feb 25 2023 at 12:16 PM.
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Old Feb 27 2023, 03:55 PM
celanith celanith is offline
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Default Not able to catch fish or all of them today

Three farmers have hired me to harvest crops and fish. If I start with trees or crops I can do it. If fishing I cannot get to the other crops til fishing is done and two farms did that. I have refreshed 4-5 times and caught one fish still 5 or 10 left. I have got smaller boat and pole no go still cannot catch fish so cannot move on to harvest other crops, trees, flowers. Third job had to let farmer know the fish are not biting no matter how many times refreshed or used smaller two boats I so far have or the pole. Don't have turbo yet trying to build funds to purchase one but takes time and losing coins and jobs is not helping. I normally do not have this problem and never if they let me us their bigger boats if they have them.
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Old Feb 27 2023, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by celanith View Post
Three farmers have hired me to harvest crops and fish. If I start with trees or crops I can do it. If fishing I cannot get to the other crops til fishing is done and two farms did that. I have refreshed 4-5 times and caught one fish still 5 or 10 left. I have got smaller boat and pole no go still cannot catch fish so cannot move on to harvest other crops, trees, flowers. Third job had to let farmer know the fish are not biting no matter how many times refreshed or used smaller two boats I so far have or the pole. Don't have turbo yet trying to build funds to purchase one but takes time and losing coins and jobs is not helping. I normally do not have this problem and never if they let me us their bigger boats if they have them.
Hi Celanith,
I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do to change this for you. If you only have the smaller fishing boats then it is difficult to do the fishing for others speciall if their waters are stacked or on the edges of the farms.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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Old Mar 15 2023, 03:16 PM
Ketil Ketil is offline
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Question Small sea coasts with different amount of fish.

Why is it different amount of fish in the two sorts of Small sea coasts?
One sort has 99 fish, and the other has 122 fish...
I think it should be the same amount of fish - 122!
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Old Mar 15 2023, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Ketil View Post
Why is it different amount of fish in the two sorts of Small sea coasts?
One sort has 99 fish, and the other has 122 fish...
It should be the same amount of fish.
Hi Ketil

That is the way the developers set them. It is the same for the big sea coasts according to their view.

If you want to make a suggestion, then post that in our Suggestion section. You can't start a new thread there but you can post as a reply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions section:
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bait, can't fish, fish, fishing, fishing boat, fishing rod, freshwater bait, lake, pond, sea coast, seawater bait, stored bait, turbo boat, waters

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