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Old Feb 14 2020, 12:29 PM
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Default Chapter 14 Storage

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Each post has a Table of Contents link bottom right of the post, which when you click, will bring you right back here.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:10 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 01:30 PM
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Default What is Storage for and where is it?

What is Storage for and where is it?

Storage is used to store anything harvested from farms, products made in facilities, for storing most items that can be placed on a farm that you don't want to use yet and is used when you want to move items from one farm to another farm.

To open your Storage:
Click on the Storage Icon which is located in your game bar towards the bottom of your game screen.

There are 2 Different Sections of Storage.
The name of the section that you are viewing will have an orange background.
You can change to viewing a different section by clicking on the name of the section to want to view.

  • You can not physically take anything out of this section.
    Everything in this section is either for using to make products, stocking services, trading or selling at market for profit.
    Some of these products can be sold to another farmer and some can be used to help your Neighbours with their co-operative quest when they place a help note on a quest step.

  • This is where you can store physical Items that could be placed on a farm like tools, decorations, buildings, animals that you don't want to use at that time.
    You can place Items into storage then take them back out of storage to perhaps place them on a different farm.
    Items in this section of storage can NOT be sold or given to another farmer.

    Do not sell any Tools that are in your Item storage, they need to stay there so that you can use them on any of your farms and for when you want to upgrade a tool so the game knows which ones you have already bought.

    You can not store animals that are placed on your farms until you own your second farm.

  • Bait for fishing are not stored in either of the Storage sections.

    Gifts of Bait and Bait you store from your your fish farming plant, goes to the appropriate waters you own that are on your farms. Freshwater bait goes to Rivers and Lakes, Seawater bait goes to Sea Coasts. You can not sell bait that is stored in waters.

    The exception to this rule is any bait you earn when you send another farmer a bait bonus that they have earned. Your share of that reward goes to your Harvest & products Storage. In this case, you can either use it to stock the Fishing Tackle shop if you own one OR you can go to market and in Toms message that shows when you arrive, click on "I want to sell my Harvests & Gifts" then look for the bait in your storage and sell it to Tom for coins.

    Manure for fertilizing farms are not stored in either of the Storage sections.

    Manure is stored with the Manure Spreader tool. You must own a Manure Spreader in order to harvest pigs and store the manure.


Harvests & Products Storage

When you open your storage and want to view the Harvests & Products section make sure that the background colour of that sections name is orange, if it is not, click on that sections name and the background colour of the name will change from brown to orange.
Example of some of the harvests and products a newer farmer could have:

  • When you, or someone you hire, harvests, chops, fishes on your farms, with tools like the harvest tool, axe and fishing rod or any of the bigger tools, those products are automatically stored for you in the Harvests & Products section.

  • Any harvests you earn when hired to work another farmers farms, your share also automatically goes to your Harvests & Products section.

  • When you harvest your Animal buildings - Chicken Coop, Wool Shed, Dairy Shed, Rabbit Hutch, Stables - any eggs, wool, rabbit fleece, horse hair etc is also stored in the Harvests & Products section. Harvesting animals is not automatic, you have harvest your animal buildings yourself, when they are ready to harvest, either from the building on the farm or from the Facility Manager.

    Premium Feed Supplements to help make Premium Feed are not automatically stored. You have to Store them BUT when storing the Premium Feed that can be made in the Premium Fodder Factory that automatically gets sent to your Animal sheds on your farms. To see the amounts you have fore each type of animal building, move your mouse over the building to see the information.

  • Products you make in your facilities, are not automatically stored. When you have made products in your facilities you have to click the "Store" button to send them to your storage.

    When making products in your facilities anything that you have in your Harvests & Products section that is needed to make a product will automatically be taken from that section to make it.

    If you make a product that can then be used to make another product you must store the finished product first so that it can then be used to make the next item.

    Example: To make bread in the bakery, you must have enough wheat in storage to make flour in the windmill, you can then make the flour. When the four is made you must store it from the windmill before it can be used to make bread in the bakery.

    Any products that you load into your own Service Facilities to earn you more profit than selling them at market are taken from your Harvests & Products storage.
    When you Cash out those types of facilities, anything that was Used is removed for you and and you are credited with coins.

  • Any products you earn when you work farmers facilities are automatically sent to your storage. If you are working facilities in different browser tabs make sure that you reload the game when you have finished, so your Storage updates the amounts.

  • Usage top left of the window tells you how full the Harvests & Products section is.
    You do not want this to get to 100% before you use what you have stored.

    More details including what ZIP is for and the filters top right of the window are used for are in the post titled Harvests & Products Storage Capacity and Filters later in this Chapter.


Item Storage

This section where you can store some items you are not using, like trees, flowers, decorations, buildings, seasonal decor, farm pass decor, animals etc.
As long as you have enough Item capacity to store them.

When you open your storage and want to view the Items section make sure that the background colour of that sections name is orange, if it is not, click on that sections name and the background colour of the name will change from brown to orange.

Example of only a few Items in Item storage:

Your Capacity and Usage of that Capacity for this section is shown top left of the window.

In most cases, each item will use one space, but there are exceptions.

In the example above, you can see this farmer has a total of 175 spaces and has used only 2 of them even though there are 7 different items showing.
  • 1 space has been used for the 4 gifted trees (acacia, cinnamon, juniper and maple).
  • 1 space is used for 1x apple tree.
  • No spaces have been used for the cow and pig which are gifts as well as animals.

Clicking on the question mark next to the Capacity shows you information on what counts for a used space:

How Item Capacity is calculated and used is explained in more details along with information on the filters and search tool top right in Item Storage Capacity and Filters

WARNING! Always read the information popup when you store a facility.

If you are participating in the NCC (Neighbourhood Chains Contest) and you store a specific facility that is part of the contest that week you will abandon the contest for that week. There is no way to reverse that!

Placing a coin facility on a farm that already has same one on it does not show you a warning! There is a warning popup IF when you buy a new coin facility from the Store and that facility is already placed on that farm.

Identical facilities on the same farm DO NOT not produce more products. The second facility becomes decoration. Both facilities will show the same information of what is produced or stocked when opened, which means it doesn't matter which one you open to look in.

You will not be able to see that you have multiples of the same facility on the same farm in the Facility Manager as only one of them is actually producing or stocking items.

When placing a Farm Cash facility on a farm that already has that facility on it you do see a warning.

If you were to place a second Farm Cash facility on a farm by mistake and you return to that farm there is a warning that tells you about it.

Full details about duplicated Farm Cash facilities are in Chapter 13 What types of Facilities are there?

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:11 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 02:38 PM
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Default Can I store everything in Item Storage?

Can I store everything in Item Storage?

Almost any Item can be placed into Item storage, as long as you have not used up all of your Item Capacity. You start with a Capacity of 100 items.

There are some things that can not be placed into Item storage, like:
  • Animals IF you only own one farm. You will be able to store them when you own your 2nd farm.

  • ANY Fields that are on your farms.
    This includes plowed, planted, harvested and fields with wasted crops.
    Fields can only be deleted to remove them, then you plow new if you want them again.
    Wasted crops need to be plowed so you can plant seeds on the fields again.

  • Any of the Ground covers.

To change a ground cover you buy another one to replace it.
The majority of the ground covers cost 100 coins.

The Grass with Guidelines costs 35FC for the very first purchase, then only 100 coins when you buy it again.

All Ground Covers EXCEPT the Snow Cover are located at the bottom of the Paths/Ground section of the store when also using the Funnel Filter "Level Required".

The available Ground Covers are:
  • Grass (default) - what everyone starts with.
  • Grass with Guidelines (first purchase 35FC, 100 coins thereafter)
  • Tall Grass
  • Taller Grass
  • Dry Grass
  • Semi Dry Taller Grass
  • Autumn Grass
  • Light Brown Plain Land
  • Brown Plain Land
  • Dark Brown Plain Land
  • Dusty Ground
  • Dirty Ground
  • Asphalt Ground
  • Sand Cover
  • Water Cover
  • Savannah Grass
  • Mulch Ground
  • Meadow Flowers
  • Slightly Rocky Grass
  • Rocky Grass
  • Rocky and Moss Ground

  • Snow Cover is in the Winter section of the store.
    Many find that the easiest method to find the Snow cover in the Store is to use the search box at the top of the Store.
    Start typing Snow Cover in the search box and it should pop into view like this:

    If you don't have a keyboard to use, click on the Winter Section of the Store, make sure the AZ filter is set to Level Required, then scroll down a few pages and you should be able to find it.

If you can't see a Ground Cover on your farm, make sure that you have refreshed your farm incase you have been using the search tool to search for specific items on your farm.
If it's still not showing up, you will need to also check your Preferences and see if you have a check mark added to Show Ground Covers.

If there is no check mark added, click in the box next to Ground Covers to add it, then click on the green check mark to save the change.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:11 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 03:27 PM
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Default How do I get Items in and out of Item Storage?

How do I get Items in and out of Item Storage?

There are several ways to get a single Item OR multiple Items in and out of your Item storage.
Generally you have to do them one at a time.
Some items you can do in bulk depending on the tools you own.

You will not be able to send animals to your Item storage, like cows that can give you milk, until you own your second farm.

To store a Single Item or just a few of them:
Click on the item you want to send to Item Storage, then in the menu click on Add To Storage


If you change your mind about storing an item and there is no Close Menu option, you can still either use the Esc key on your keyboard OR click on the green man in your game bar to close the menu.

When you are new to the game and and don't have many Items in Item storage there is a warning popup that asks you to confirm what you are about to Store. This will be automatically disabled for experienced users (those who already have lot of things in their Item Storage).

To store larger amounts, without having to use the Add to Storage option on every Items menu:
Click on your Yellow toolbox to open it. Then in the 3rd column from the left click on the B]Add to Item Storage[/b] Tool to use it.

The tool will be picked up and then as you click on an item you want to store it will be sent to your Item storage as long as you have Item Capacity left to use.

Click on the green man to stop using the tool.

To send Items in Bulk to Item storage:
This can be done when you own the Tower Crane. When you click on the tool then click on an Item you will see a confirmation window and some options for what and how many you can store. This does not work with Farm Cash Items or facilities.

To move Animals from your farm to their buildings on that farm:

Click on your Yellow Toolbox to open it, look in the 3rd column from the left and click on the Add to Animal Building Tool to use it.
Then click on the click on the animals you want to send to the animal building that is on that farm.

Click on the green man to stop using the tool.

There must be enough room in the animal building to house the animals.
Maximum of 300 of each type for regular animal sheds, 600 of each type for super sheds.

To moving or buying animals in bulk and adding them to the appropriate buildings on the farm:
This can be done when you own the Herding Robot as long as there is room in the animal buildings for them.

Moving multiple Animals from Item Storage to their buildings on the farm:
You need to have enough space in the animal sheds on your farm to put them in.
  • Go to a farm that has animal sheds with space for animals.

  • Open your Item storage, and change the filter to Animals

  • Move your mouse over the box with the animal that you want to store into the shed and you will see a Move button.

  • Click on Move and the animals will go into the appropriate shed. IF you have a lot of animals, it will store as many animals as you have room for in the shed.

To get an Item out of storage:
First you must have at least that category showing in your games preferences.

If you can't remember what or exactly where any item is placed you can click on ALL in the Preferences window or add the check marks manually to show all Items like in the next picture.
If you make any changes to preferences, remember to click on the green check mark at the bottom of the preferences window to save the change.

AND you must have a clear spot on your farm where nothing else is occupying that space, preferably slightly bigger than the item you are trying to place.

Click on your Storage Icon to open your Storage.
Then click on the Items section to see your Items.
Find the Item in your Item storage then hover over the box of the Item and you will see Use, click Use to pick up the item.

When there is no room for the item to be placed the bottom of the item will be red.
When the item can be placed the bottom of the item is green.
Example: the barn on the left can not be placed, the barn on the right can be placed.

When you have more than one of the same item, as long as you have room to place them you can continue placing more of them, one at a time until you either run out of them to use, or you click on the green man to stop placing them.

For trees and flowers it is possible to plant those in multiples from storage in various different patterns when you own at least one of the Multiplanters.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:12 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 04:17 PM
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Default Item Storage Capacity and Filters

Item Storage Capacity and Filters

Example of some Items that could be stored in Item Storage:

Top Left of the window you will see Capacity and Usage: - what Capacity and Usage means and how to Increase Capacity.

The Capacity in this section is only for Items, and NOT for your harvests and products section of storage which is separate!

You start of with an Item Storage Capacity of 100 items.
It is possible to increase the Item Capacity by increasing the amount of neighbours you have.
Each neighbour increases your capacity by 15.

  • 0 neighbours - Your Capacity is 100.
  • 1 neighbour - Your Capacity is 100 plus 15 giving you a Total Capacity of 115.
  • 2 neighbours - Your Capacity is 100 plus 30 giving you a Total Capacity of 130.
  • 5 neighbours - Your Capacity is 100 plus 75 giving you a Total Capacity of 175.
  • 10 neighbours - Your Capacity is 100 plus 150 giving you a Total Capacity of 250.
  • 30 neighbours - Your Capacity is 100 plus 450 giving you a Total Capacity of 550.

As a General rule. Each item uses one space.

The exceptions to this rule are as follows:

When it's a gift item like a Cork Oak Tree from the Send Gift section of the Gift Box, you can store 4 per space. (Store bought trees like a Pine tree will use one per space.)

You can store an unlimited amount of Animals in the Animal category, like collie dog, hens, geese, cows etc.

You can store an unlimited amount of Farm Cash Items.

The small green question mark to the left of Capacity and Usage can be clicked on to show you information about how the capacity is used.

This figures in the following picture shows a storage Capacity of 175 and Usage of 2 which means 2 of the 175 spaces have been Used.

In the picture at the top although there are 7 items in storage the 2 spaces are only used by:
  • The single Apple tree which is ONE space.
  • There are 4 gift trees (1x acacia, 1x cinnamon, 1x juniper and 1x red maple) 4 gift trees in total counts as ONE space.
  • The cows and pigs are both working animals so those are not using any spaces.

The amount of Neighbours you can have can vary due to lengths of farmers game IDs.
You should be able to have a minimum of 130 Neighbours.

It is possible to have more than that if some of your neighbours IDs are shorter.

Your Neighbour Capacity is in your Farmers Lists, top left of the My Neighbours Section.


Reaching an exact 100% is likely to be impossible due to the varying length of IDs.

When you can't add a farmer as a Neighbour due to the ID being too long or that the remaining capacity is not enough to add one more you will see a message that says "Your Neighbour List is Full please delete some Neighbours before adding new ones."

This may be due to the remaining capacity is either not enough to add a short ID or that the ID of the farmer you are trying to add is longer than the amount of capacity left.

You can also increase your ITEM storage further by purchasing the Super Storage Sheds.
The Super Storage Sheds in the "Tools" section of the store.

Once bought place them in your storage to update your Item storage capacity and that's all you do with them.

Note: You must first purchase the Red super storage before you can by the Orange super storage and so on.

The Red super storage shed doubles your item storage capacity.
The Orange super storage shed makes your item storage 4 times as big
The Green super storage shed makes your item storage 6 times as big.
The Purple super storage shed makes your item storage 8 times as big.

To get the maximum Item Capacity possible, you could start by getting as many neighbours as you can and then if that is not enough for your needs, it will be up to you if you also want to invest in the Super Storage Sheds.

Item Storage Filters: - how to find your Items.

Example of some Items that could be stored in Item Storage:

Top right of the window you will see there is a drop down arrow on All

This is a Filter that you can change to filter your Item Storage to a specific category.

To change the filter, click on the little arrow, scroll down the menu and click on the option you want to use.

Main Categories are:
  • All
  • Animals
  • Buildings
  • Facilities (all of them)
  • Facilities Regular coins - these will have cost coins to buy
  • Facilities Regular Farm Cash - these will have cost Farm Cash to buy
  • Facilities Service coins - these will have cost coins to buy
  • Facilities Service Farm Cash - these will have cost Farm Cash to buy
  • Facilities - non Workable by Friends like mines, fish farming plant, bee farm etc
  • Farm Decor
  • Fences
  • Flags
  • Flowers
  • Fun
  • Furniture
  • Motion
  • Other

  • Paths/Ground - is for most items that can be bought in that section of the store. You do not store ground covers, you just buy different one for 100 coins when you want to change the ground cover of your farm.

  • People
  • Ponds
  • Ships
  • Tools
  • Trains
  • Trees
  • Winter

Seasonal Categories are:
  • Seasonal - all Seasonal decorations.
  • Seasonal - Easter
  • Seasonal - Farm Pass
  • Seasonal - Fathers Day
  • Seasonal - Halloween
  • Seasonal - Holidays
  • Seasonal - Memorial Day
  • Seasonal - Mothers Day
  • Seasonal - Saint Patricks Day
  • Seasonal - Thanks giving
  • Seasonal - Valentines Day

The Search Icon will let you search your storage for a particular item or items.

If you are not sure what category your item would be in make sure you have the drop down filter shown above, set to All.

To use Search, click on the icon and a box will appear that you can type in.

Click inside the box and start typing the name of the item you are looking for. Make sure that your mouse pointer remains in the search box while you type.

You can search for more than one item at a time, separate each name of the item with a comma.
As you type, anything in your storage meeting that criteria will come into view.
If more than one page of items show you can use your mouse wheel or the scroll bar at the side to scroll through them.
The red X closes the search box.

The A-Z Filter will let you sort your Storage by
  • Alphabetically
    Stored Amount

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:13 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 04:19 PM
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Default Harvests & Products - Usage, Limits, Filters and ZIP

Harvests & Products - Usage, Limits, Filters and ZIP

The Harvests & Products section of storage is where products harvested, chopped, fished from your farms, harvested animal products and products from facilities are stored.

As well as what you earn from working farms for yourself or for others, any products you make in your regular facilities and then store, any products you earn from working other farmers facilities all go to the Harvest & Products section of storage for you to use in your own facilities.

If you like to use different tabs to work other farmers facilities, please remember to reload the game after you are done so your storage amounts update.

Harvests & Products Storage Capacity:

There are 2 Important Limits to keep in mind that are related to the Harvest & Products Storage when you get to the stage where you are storing a lot of products!!!!
  • Overall Limit - If usage gets to 100% you will not be able to store.
    Usage and the blue bar in this section can help you with this.

  • Individual Limit - Never let any specific product reach 200 million (200000000) in quantity or you could lose a random amount of products in any quantity!!

    Individual limits can be checked by using the All and Stored Amount filters and then scrolling down to the very bottom to see what crops, tree fruits/logs, fish, flowers, animal or facility products have the largest quantities in your harvests & products section.

Example of some products in Harvests & Products:

The Usage and blue progress bar underneath the blue ZIP button top left of the Harvests & Products section helps you know when the Overall Limit of this section of storage is getting full. 100% is the Maximum.

This Usage information is ONLY for the Harvests & Products section - This is NOT for your Items capacity which is in a separate section of your Storage.

The example above, is showing 78% Usage. 100% is the maximum, so there is roughly 22% left to use before it is full.

When to check your Usage percentages more often, is if your Usage is regularly showing over 90% Once you have done that a few times you should get an idea of how often you would need to check it and if you prefer to do something about reducing that percentage before it gets well over 90%.

If you don't keep an eye on Usage and reduce it when it is getting very high you could reach maximum capacity while working for others (farm work or facility work) and not be able to store more. Remember it's not just overall limit to consider, you don't want an individual limit to be reached either. Check before you store from your facilities, work farms or work for others.

When you are using the Facility Manager to store facility products, there is a brief warning should you reach maximum Usage.
It is a temporary notification and fades away in a few seconds. Example:

If your percentage tends to be high often, you could do all or some of the following more often:
  • Zip
  • Store all products made in your regular and non-workable facilities.
  • Cash out your service facilities.
  • Sell anything you don't need like Non-Ingredients.
  • If you don't own all the facilities you may also want to sell at least a portion of Non-Ingredients (for me)

    The more facilities you have, the more often you are going to need to store and cash out.

    If you have very large amounts of anything, consider how long it is likely to take you to use them. If you are not going to be able to use them up quickly you could consider selling a portion of some of products that are high in amounts.

    Selling from Storage is explained later in this chapter.

Using Zip IF you have a considerable amount of different sized boxes of products could help a little to reduce the Usage percentage.
Zip will consolidate all of the different size boxes of products into regular size boxes, then credits you with the difference in coins, as the larger size boxes have more value in and make no difference at all when used in facilities.

Zip applies to Crops, Logs, Tree Fruits and Logs, Flowers, Fish, Animal Products. Products you could make or stock in facilities do not have different sizes.

You can not convert just a specific item or a specific group of items like only Crops or only Logs. It will apply to all products that you have, when you have different sizes of them.

Zipping is also a quick bit of profit in coins if you have a considerable amount of some or all of the different sizes and need them.

Zip is also useful if you don't like seeing all of the different sizes in your Harvests & Products storage.

Examples of the different sizes using Blueberries:

No size indicated is a regular size box. What you get when you harvest your farms yourself.

Small size boxes are gifts of things like crops which could be sent to you or you can exchange gifts for them using the Gift Manager. As you did not have to spend time and money to grow them, they have the least coin value.

Small size products can not be used for helping other farmers with their co-operative quest yellow help notes, but they can be used in your own facilities.
Handy tip: If you only have small size and need to help someone with a co-operative quest like a crop, use the Zip feature to convert them to regular size, then you will be able to help them

Large size is part of the reward you get for helping to provide work for strangers at market Strangers are farmers who have no connections with you as a Neighbour or as a Buddy. They may need the work to level up or to get more products for their own facilities or to reach a goal in the Farm Pass Feature.

You also get a large size when a Super Neighbour does your farm work for you.
Super Neighbours or hired Buddies do not earn the extra reward of a bonus chest as they are not a stranger to you.

Some farmers like the different sizes, if they want sell some of what they don't think they will need, they may chose to sell just one size of that product.

Large boxes have more value in coins than small or regular size.

Zip example:
If you ONLY had 15 Blueberries (regular size), 15 Blueberries (small), 15 Blueberries (Large) in Harvests & Products storage you have 45 Blueberries in total.

When you ZIP you will still have 45 Blueberries, they will just be all regular size. Instead of seeing 3 different sizes of Blueberries you now have 1 size which helps to reduce your Usage percentage.

Clicking on the Zip button will show you a popup similar to this:

If you change your mind you can just click on the red X.

To proceed with Zipping, click on the green check - All different sizes boxes will be converted to regular size boxes.

You will see another popup giving you additional information about how many boxes were converted to regular size and what coins you were credited with, similar to this:

Click on the green check mark to close the popup, your coins will update and that's it, your Harvests & Products section has been Zipped!

The Filters and how to search Harvest & Products Storage:

Clicking on the drop down arrow on All lets you filter your storage to a specific category.
Click on the little arrow, scroll down the menu and click on the option you want to use to see just those harvests & products.

The categories are:
  • All
  • Crops
  • From Trees
  • Logs
  • Tree Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Fish
  • Animal Products
  • From Facilities

  • From Facilities (Export) - these are the free products you earn as a reward for creating Facility Chains and making products in them. They have been moved to their own storage, when you use this filter you will be shown information about that and how to check export storage. IN the future this filter may be removed. Exporting earns you more profit. Importing helps your farming friends do the same and can help you with supplying your own facilities. Click on this link if you would like information:

  • Ingredients from Facilities - is anything you have stored from your facilities that can be used to make other products or can be used to stock service facilities. This includes any products you earned from working other farmers facilities.

  • Non- Ingredients - these are anything not currently used to make a product or stock a service facility. Example: Crown of Thorns and Pink Tulips are flowers that could be used for decoration, as they can be harvested you can sell those harvests for profit. There are many non-ingredients, some are also products which if you don't own them, you could be getting from working other farmers facilities.

  • Non-Ingredients (for me) - as well as non-ingredients is also anything that you can not use yet, as you don't own the facilities that use them. You could choose to sell non-ingredients first then only sell a portion of what shows up using this filter for profit. Some farmers chose not to see all of them as they could be useful for helping others with their co-operative quests, or saving some to use at a later date when you decide to buy facilities that you do not own yet.

The Search Icon will let you search your storage for a particular item. If you are not sure what category your item would be in make sure you have the drop down filter set to All.

To use Search, click on the icon (magnifying glass) and a box will appear that you can type in.
Start typing the name of the item you are looking for.
As you type, anything in your storage matching what you are typing will come into view. If there are many items matching what you typed, you can scroll up and down through them using the wheel on your mouse or the scroll bar to the right if there are more than 8 showing up.
Clicking on the red X closes the search box.

The A-Z Filter will let you sort your Storage by
  • Alphabetically

  • Stored Amount - lists them by Quantity, lowest to highest.

    Using this filter and the All filter can be useful to check for any Individual Limit on any product. When you use both of those filters you can scroll down to the very bottom of Harvest & Products and see which products my be getting near to the 200 million mark (200000000) so that you know which ones you could sell a portion of to reduce the amount. It better to use this after you Zip in case you have more than one size of a stored product.

  • Total Price - lists them all by value, lowest value to highest which can be handy if you need to sell a potion to make a few quick coins. Always remember that using your products will benefit you more than just selling them.

    To use the A-Z filter, click on the A-Z icon and it will show you all 3 options, then scroll down to the option you want to use and click on it to change it.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 07 2024 at 02:20 PM.
Old Feb 14 2020, 04:19 PM
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Default How to Sell from Storage or your My Gifts section at The Trade Marketplace

How to Sell from Storage or your My Gifts section at The Trade Marketplace

Storage (Harvests & Products section)
Gifts that are in your My Gifts section of your Gift Manager
Storage (Items section)

Selling what is in your Storage or in your My Gifts Section of your Gift Manager can be done at Market

Please use the Trade Marketplace (Sell and Buy) if you only intend to sell your products or when you intend to buy/trade with other farmers.
You can sell at the Job Marketplace (Work and Hire) but that Market is intended for those looking to hire workers and those looking for work, so if you don't want to do those, it would be better to go to the Trade Marketplace where you are less likely to be hired.

How to go to the Trade Marketplace and open your Market window to sell:
Click on the Map icon bottom right of your game bar.

You will see several options, click on the Trade Marketplace and you will be taken to that Market.

When you arrive you will then see a message from Tom.

Click on "I want to sell my harvests or gifts" to sell your products items or gifts.

  • "I want to sell and trade....." shows you some information on how to trade with other farmers.
  • "I am lost...." closes the message and also takes you back to your farms.
  • "Never mind." just closes the message and you remain at market.

In the second message that shows after you click on "I want to sell my harvests and gifts..." , you can click on "OK. Show me your prices" which will open your Market window giving you access to sell harvests, products, gifts and items.
This message has a timer, if you do not click on "OK. Show me your prices" your storage will automatically open when 10 seconds has passed.

When your Market window opens, at the top you will see 3 named sections which are Storage, Gifts, Items.

The name of section that you are viewing will have an orange background, the other 2 will have a brown background. In the image below Storage is being viewed:

To view a different section just click on the name of it and that sections name will change to an orange background.

NOTE: If you closed either of Toms messages, you can start over by clicking on Tom the NGP (non game player) who is always located in the same place at the Trade Marketplace with the "Welcome to the Marketplace..." message above his head.

This is what he looks like at the Trade Marketplace.

To be able to see the items Tom stands next to in the picture, you would need to have things like decorations, buildings, ground cover and tools showing in your preferences.
When you are used to where Tom is located in either Marketplace you won't need to show those items.

How to Sell Harvests & Products:

Go to the Trade Marketplace.
When you arrive you will then see a message from Tom.
Click on "I want to sell my harvests or gifts" which opens your Market Window.
To sell harvests and products, make sure that the Storage button has an orange background. If it is not orange click on it to view that section.

This is your Harvests and Products section of Storage, where harvests from working farms and products from facilities are.

Example of a farmers Harvests & Products:

Top left of the window you can see the Total Value of what this farmer has in their Storage section.

Top right of the window are some filters and a search tool you can use if you want to see a portion of your storage and not all of it.

Any Stored Quantity can be clicked on to show you more options that you can use to filter your storage by Any Stored Quantity or Quantities that are over 1 million and far more.

If you want to change the Quantity, scroll down the list and click on the option that you want to use.

When you select an option that is 1 million in quantity or more you will also see a new option within the drop down menu for Sell Selected that you can use to sell products over that Quantity. Aa example of how to do this is further down this post.

All can also be clicked on to change what you see by category, scroll down the list and click on the option you want to use.

The Search Icon when clicked on will open a search box where you can click in the box and then type in the name of the product that you want to see.

As you type, anything in your storage matching what you are typing will come into view.
You can search for a few things at the same time as long as each are separated with a comma like this...


That would show you any fuel tanks you have in storage any products with the name juniper in them as well as all the different sizes of any juniper berries or the crop dragon fruit that you have.

When there are many items matching what you have typed, you can either type more of the correct name or use your mouse wheel or the scroll bar to the right of the window to scroll though them when there are more than 8 products matching your search. For example only typing fruit will show you quite a few different products with fruit in the name but typing fruit gelatin would show you far less products.

Clicking on the red X closes the search box.

If you are not sure what category your item would be in make sure you are using the
Any Stored Quantity and All filters before you use the search box:

The AZ icon can also be clicked on and has more options that you may find useful.
  • Alphabetically - listed A-Z

  • Stored Amount - least amount shown first.

  • Ingredient Importance - will show products from the more important to the less important based on ALL available facilities in the game, not only those that you own. For example, if you do not own any of the restaurants the Flour will still appear high in the list.

  • Ingredient Importance (for me) - will take into account the facilities that you currently own.
    In this case, if you do not own any of the restaurants, the Flour will appear lower in the list and you will see in the top of the list only the ingredients that are more important to the facilities that you already own.

  • Total Price - least amount in coin value first.

  • Selected - items that have a check mark in the box for selling. New Non-ingredients will automatically have a check mark unless you remove it to prevent it being sold using "Sell Selected"

  • Producing Facility - only available when ALSO using the From Facilities or Ingredients From Facilities filters. This filter groups all products by the facility that produced them.
    For example all the Semi Trailer products will be together, all the Windmill products will be grouped together, all the Dairy Processing products will be grouped together.

Depending on the A-Z filter you chose too use, there are different selling options available. You may see Sell All or Sell Selected. Both are filters that you can change to sell in different ways.

Non Ingredients, Non Ingredients (for me) will allow you to Sell All, but other options will not. This is to prevent you accidentally selling everything that you may need for your facilities.

Please be certain of which option you are using before you click on any Blue button to sell.
Once sold they can not be returned and that could take you quite some time to rebuild your inventory again.

When using Sell Selected please make sure you have checked what you are selling!!

If a check mark is on a product that has more than one size like blueberries which can be small, regular and large size, ALL 3 of those sizes would be selected to be sold, not just one size!

Small and Large are indicated in brackets. Regular size are not.

When you have more than one size of any item they will not all show up next to each other depending on which ones you have, how many of them there are, how many different products you have and the different filters you use in storage.

To find a specific product and all the sizes you have, use the search box to find a specific product so you can see them all.

In this example I have used the search box to find Mustard and Carbonated Water:

The picture below shows you the different sizes and what it looks like when a check mark is added or removed from either size of those products:

If you only wanted to sell a particular size product not all sizes of them do NOT add a check mark to the box and do NOT use Sell Selected. Remember that you can use the search box to find several items and all sizes at once, THEN mouseover each product and within each box you will see blue buttons appear giving you more selling options so that you can sell the specific size product you want to sell. Clicking the blue button will sell those items and your coins will be added to your total.

Clicking on the Deselect button will remove the check marks from all products when a filter you are using allows products to be selected and deselected.

Not all filters that could be used will have the check box option.

When you use Deselect you will see ONE message telling you how many products you are about to deselect. Please pay attention to how many it will remove! Once you remove them there is no undo option, you would have to add the check marks back one at a time and if there were quite a few you may not remember what they all were.

Clicking the green check will remove the check marks, clicking the red x cancels it.


Example of how to sell facility products that are over 10 million in quantity:

Go to the Trade Marketplace.
When you arrive you will then see a message from Tom.
Click on "I want to sell my harvests or gifts" which opens your Market Window.

If the Storage section does not have an orange background click on it to view it.

1. To right of the window, click on the drop down arrow on " With Any Stored Quantity" scroll down and click on "With Qty > 10,000,000" and your quantity will change to that amount.

2. Also top right of the window, click on the drop down arrow on "All" scroll down and click on "From Facilities"

3. When you have set BOTH of those top two options changed, in the same area, click on the drop down arrow on "Sell Selected", scroll down and then click on Sell Excess >10,000,000:

The blue Sell Selected button changes and you should now be seeing this:

4. When you click on Sell Excess >10,000,000 you will be shown a message that allows you to confirm or reject the sale.

In this case the message tells you that you are selling quantities that are over 10 million, what coins you would earn and which products would never be sold.

5. If you wish to proceed click the green check mark and it will sell all excess products over 10,000,000 leaving only 10,000,000 of each of those products in you storage.

To cancel the sale click the red X.

IF after selling you want to see the products that are 10 million or less you will need to change the Quantity filter again to less than 10 million.


It is also possible to sell a limited amount of Primary products from your Harvests & Products section to another farmer.
For full details on how to do this go to Chapter 10 of the Game Guide
Buying and selling between farmers.


How to Sell Gifts that are still in the My Gifts Section of your Gift Manager:

Go to the Trade Marketplace.
When you arrive you will then see a message from Tom.
Click on "I want to sell my harvests or gifts" which opens your Market Window.

If the Gifts section does not have an orange background click on it to view it.

This section can ONLY show the same gifts that you can see accepted in the My Gifts Section in your Gift Manager which you have not stored yet.
  • You can not sell half or a portion of any item that is in this Section.
    There is only a Sell All button on each Item even if there are more than one of them.
    If you wish to sell a portion you would have to store them, then use the Storage section instead of Gifts to find them where you will see more selling options when there are multiples of an product or item.

  • You can not sell or gift the products/items showing up in this Section to another farmer.

This section only has a Search tool and A-Z filter.

To use the Search tool, click on the icon that looks like a magnifying glass.
A search box will open that you can click in to type.

Start typing the name of the item you are looking for.
As you type, anything in this section matching what you type will come into view.
If there are many items that match what you type, you can use your mouse wheel or the scroll bar at the right side to scroll through them.

The red X closes the search box.

The AZ when clicked on lets you change how your gifts are listed.
To change it, click on the AZ icon, scroll down and click on the option you want to use.
  • Alphabetically
  • Stored Amount
  • Total Price

Example of some Gifts, Ingredients, Bonuses:

The 2 Honey Ice Cream Ingredients are listed separately.
The 2 Blue Food Colour Bonuses are listed separately.
8 coconut trees have been accepted. All 8 are in the one box.
8 mango trees have been accepted. All 8 are in the one box.
748 Fuel Tanks have been accepted. All of them are in the same box.

When you see a question mark on a product you can click on it to see more information.

We recommend that you avoid selling any Fuel Tanks, just store it and remember to refuel occasionally so it's added to your Fuel total. Some farmers find making fuel and getting fuel tanks as gifts not easy or quick to do when they run low.

Deselect has no function in this section as there are no checkboxes to be able to select or deselect Items.

How to Sell Items in your Storage:

Go to the Trade Marketplace.
When you arrive you will then see a message from Tom.
Click on "I want to sell my harvests or gifts" which opens your Market Window.

If the Items section does not have an orange background click on it to view it.

This is your Items section of Storage, where any decorations, tools, facilities, trees or flowers you have stored and not put on farms are.

Be very careful that you do not Sell any Farm Cash Items like Tools, facilities, decorations or any Farm Pass decorations by mistake. Selling Farm Cash Items does not give you Farm Cash you get coins. Selling tools can cause you a problem later on when you want to upgrade a tool. Farm Cash Items do NOT use any of your Item capacity space. If you sell Farm Pass decorations that you have earned, those can NOT be returned to you.

Example of some Items:

Top right of the window the drop down arrow next to All lets you filter your storage to many different categories. Use the scroll bar to the right to see all options. These are all the categories:

If you have more than one of the same item, when you mouse over the box more blue buttons will appear that you can use to of that item you will also have an option to sell Half.


The A-Z can be clicked on to see more options, scroll down and click on the option you wish to use:
  • Alphabetically
  • Stored Amount
  • Total Price

Deselect has no function in this section as there are no checkboxes to be able to select or deselect Items.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 25 2024 at 05:11 PM.
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