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Old Oct 31 2024, 04:45 PM
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Default Can other Famers work my Factories or Service Facilities?

Can other Famers work my Factories or Service Facilities?

A Farmer that has you on their Neighbour or Buddy List can help you complete products faster by working them.

  • Many farmers like to play often during a day or throughout the day, they can work your Facilities ONCE per day.
    There is an exception to this rule
    and it will ONLY apply IF the farmer stops working ALL Farmers Facilities for at least 8 hours. We show an example of this later in this Chapter.

  • Before posting any requests for your facilities to be worked, you will need to make sure that there are products in them to be worked.
    For Regular Facilities you Start batches to make products.
    For Service facilities you Load batches which can be cashed out when completed, for extra profit.

  • Posting Work Requests is disabled in Non-workable, religious or funeral facilities.
    The Funeral and Religious Facilities are:

    Funeral Supplies Factory
    Funeral Home
    Buddhist Supplies Factory
    Buddha Shop
    Fortune Teller Supplies Factory
    Fortune Teller Wagon

    For the full list of Non-Workable Facilities go to Chapter 13: What are the Non-Workable Facilities?

  • Private Farms: If ALL of your workable facilities are on a Private farm, no-one will be able to go to that farm to work them.
    If this is the case you will be shown a message like the one below, when you try to post a request:

    To be able to post a work request you would need to remove the privacy setting on that farm if you only have facilities on that farm with work in them.
    It is sometimes possible for the facilities on a Private farm to be worked IF you ALSO have work in facilities on your other farms.

    IF the Famer working your Facilities:

    - does not have a Fully Diversified Train that is dispatched, they will need to work the facilities on at least half the amount of farms with work in them before the mayor could take over and work the rest of the farms which can include the facilities on a Private farm.

    - Has 1 Fully Diversified Train AND they can do at least half of the amount of farms with facilities with work in them. The Mayor will then take over and complete the remaining farms for them which could include the facilities on a Private farm. Their train must be correctly connected and dispatched.

    - Has 2 Fully Diversified Trains to be able to work all facilities without going farm to farm and there is work on the farm that they arrive on, the facilities on the Private farm will also be worked. Both trains must be correctly connected and dispatched.

    - CLICK HERE if you need Information on what a Fully Diversified Train is and how it can help you with working farmers facilities.

  • How often you post a Request to work your facilities is up to you to decide.
    Some farmers with numerous Neighbours/Buddies that also post daily or several times a day can only see other farmers facility requests as far back as 8 hours ago or less.
    Those with fewer Neighbours/Buddies posting are likely to see much further back in time.
    Please remember that Farm Town has International and diverse players, not every farmer will be playing at the same time you are.

    If you like to refill your facilities often within a short time, we do not recommend posting every time you refill as that can make farmers need to refresh the facility wall requests page far too often so that two things will update:
    - older facility posts by the same farmer are removed
    - to see the pink background on facility work requests that they have already worked.

  • When you have Posted your Facility Requests, they will be seen on the Facility Wall Requests page to those who have you as their Neighbour or Buddy. You will NOT see your own posts there.

    You can also post your facility work requests to Facebook. However you still need to abide by any current Facebook guidelines.
    Posting or sharing any type of request to many areas of Facebook can still trigger the automatic spam detection and they can prevent you doing this.

    Please remember that not all farmers will have Facebook accounts and you may not be Facebook friends with every Neighbour/Buddy you have on your lists in Farm Town.

  • When Farmers use the Facility Wall Requests page, at the top there are 2 options that can be used.

    • Include posts from Farmers that have you as a Neighbour or Buddy but are not your Neighbours or Buddies. This is referred to as a one way connection meaning that you are not mutual Neighbours or Buddies.

    • Show posts only from the latest farmers who have worked my facilities.
      Adding a check mark to an option selects that option and refreshes the page.

  • You ONLY need to post ONE Request to have ALL of your Regular Facilities worked.
    Regular/Production Facilities make products. ALL of this type of facility can be worked on every farm using just one request as long as the products are not all completed and not all on a Private farm.

  • You ONLY need to post ONE Request to have All of your Service Facilities worked.
    Service Facilities stock finished products that you have made in regular facilities and then stored. ALL of this type of facility can be worked on every farm using just one request as long as they are not all completed and not all on a Private farm.

    You do not need to post a request for every facility that you own!

How to Post Regular or Service Facility Work Requests to Other Wall Requests are in the next 2 posts down.

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 02:08 PM.
Old Oct 31 2024, 04:46 PM
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Default How to Post Regular Facility Work Requests

How to Post Regular Facility Work Requests

Regular Facilities
These make products, you must Start Batches in them so there are products to work.
To post a work request for Regular Facilities you need open the facility that you want to post from. There are 2 methods to open a Facility:

In this example we are using the Pool Bar.
  • To open a facility you can see on your farm, click on it and you will see the menu, then click on Show Facility Details to open it.

    To open a Facility in your Facility Manager (located in your toolbox far left column), click on your Facility Manager to open it, scroll or use the search box at the top to find the facility you want to post a request from, then click on Open to open it.

    When you have opened your Facility:

  • Click on the What's Pending section so the background of that section turns Orange.

  • Then click on Produce Faster to post a Request to work your Regular Facilities.

  • After you click on Produce Faster you will see a confirmation screen asking you if you want to continue.
    It will also tell you what you and your farming friends will receive for each Neighbour/Buddy that helps you.
    When the check mark is removed in the box to the left of where it says "Post to Facebook?" you will only be posting to the Facility Wall Requests page, not to Facebook.

  • When you click on the green check mark you will see a brief notification:

    That's it you have posted your facility work request to the Facility Wall Request page.

To See how to Post Service Facility Work Requests scroll down to the next post or CLICK HERE

To go to the post that shows how to Post to Facebook CLICK HERE

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 04:09 PM.
Old Oct 31 2024, 04:47 PM
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Default How to Post Service Work Requests

How to Post Service Work Requests

Service Facilities These Stock finished products that you have Stored from your Regular Facilities. You must Load batches in them so that they can be worked.

To post a work request for Service Facilities to be worked, you need open the facility that you want to post from. There are 2 methods to open a Facility:
In this example we are using the Cruise Ship.
  • To open a facility you can see on your farm, click on it and you will see the menu, then click on Show Facility Details to open it.

    To open a Facility in your Facility Manager (located in your toolbox far left column), click on your Facility Manager to open it, scroll or use the search box at the top to find the facility you want to post a request from, then click on Open to open it.

    You can ignore the blue background color and the black chain link in the cruise ship pictures, those are to do with the Facility Chains Feature and make no difference with posting facility work requests.

    When you have opened your Facility:

  • Click on the What's In Stock section so the background of that section turns Orange.

  • Then click on Get More Clients ! to post a Request to work your Service Facilities.

  • After you click on the Produce Faster OR Get Clients you will see a confirmation screen asking you if you want to continue.
    It will also tell you what you and your farming friends will receive for each Neighbour/Buddy that helps you.
    When the check mark is removed in the box to the left of where it says "Post to Facebook?" you will only be posting to the Facility Wall Requests page, not to Facebook.

  • When you click on the green check mark you will see a brief notification:

    That's it you have posted your facility work request to the Facility Wall Request page.

To go to the post that shows how to Post to Facebook CLICK HERE

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 04:11 PM.
Old Oct 31 2024, 04:48 PM
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Default How to Post Facility Work Requests to Facebook.

How to Post Facility Work Requests to Facebook.
To be able to post to Facebook, you will need a Facebook account.

If you do not know how to Post a Regular Facility Work Request CLICK HERE to go to that post.
If you do not know how to Post a Service Facility Work Request CLICK HERE to go to that post.

Posting a Regular or Service Facility Work Request to Facebook is the same process. In this example so we are using a regular facility.

Cookies and popups must be allowed in your browser to be able to see the Facebook posting box.
Make sure that there is a green check mark showing up in the box to the left of where it says "Post to Facebook?"

Picture on the left is what you would see for Regular Facilities.
Picture on the right is what you would see for Service Facilities.
When you click on the green check mark at the bottom of Do you want to ask your friends to help? message you will see a brief notification:

Your Facility Work Request is posted to the Facility Wall Request page.

Then you will see the 2nd message asking you to confirm if you want to Post request to Facebook

To continue with posting to Facebook, click on the green check mark.
If at this point you change your mind about posting to Facebook you can click on the red X to cancel. This ONLY cancels the posting to Facebook option. Your Facility Work Request will still have been posted to the Facility Wall Requests page.
Clicking on the green check mark in the Post request to Facebook? message is what will generate the Facebook posting box.
  • What you see in the Facebook Create post box can vary depending on Facebook.

  • The Create Post box may not show a picture of the facility until it is posted to FB.
    There may come a time when no facility pictures will be showing in the posts in the future.

  • Where the Facebook Create post box will show on your screen can vary depending on the browser you are using. You may need to minimize your browser to be able to see it.

  • You may need to expand the size of the Facebook Create post box to be able to see enough of it to be able to add a message and see the Share button to Post the Request, as this can vary with different browsers.

    To expand the Create Post box if needed, move your mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the box and you should see a double arrow appear.
    When that double arrow shows up, stop moving your mouse and then hold the left button on your mouse down.
    With the left button held down, drag your mouse down and to the side.
    You should see the box expand.
    When it is big enough, Release the left button to stop expanding the box.
    (On a mac computer you may have crosshairs instead of arrows.)

    OR If you want a full screen size version of the box and you can see a small square box at the top right of the posting box, you can click on that square icon to make the posting box much larger.

Example of a Facebook posting box without a facility picture and no written description added:

Your profile picture and Facebook name will be towards the top of the Create post box.

The example below shows the post is set to Public. If you are sharing your post to groups make sure that your post is set to Public on Facebook.
If it doesn't show set to Public the the Create A Post box, you can either change the setting by clicking on the option you see which could be set to a specific friends list or to Only Me to change it OR you can change the Publicity after posting by finding it on your profile and changing it there instead.
Where it says "What's on your mind....." is where you can click, then type to add any message or description.

When you are happy with your post, click on Share at the bottom of the window to share your post to Facebook.

If your posting box does not automatically close after you click on Share, you should be able to see an X at the top right of the posting box.
Click on that X once, to close the posting box.

Example of a Facility post after posting to Facebook which includes an added description:

You can not disable your facility posts from showing up on the Facility Wall Requests page.

Please remember that not every farmer will be able to see your posts on Facebook, they may not be your Facebook friends, they may not have a Facebook account.

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 04:13 PM.
Old Oct 31 2024, 09:22 PM
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Default What do I earn for Working Neighbour and Buddy Facilities?

What do I earn for Working Neighbour and Buddy Facilities?

When you work their facilities you complete 20% of what is showing as Pending at that time, which is also what the farm owner will get then...
  • For regular facilities both you and your friend will earn 3XP per product worked

  • For Service facilities both you your friend will earn 1XP per product your worked

  • As the Employee the mayor will give you 20% of those products that you worked as a way of saying thank you.

    Example: if there were 1000 products pending for any one item, you would work 20% of those which is 200 and of those you then get 20% of that figure so you get 40 products - These products do not come from your facilities or your storage so it's a free way of saying thanks!

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 02:09 PM.
Old Nov 14 2024, 01:29 PM
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Default Facility Wall Requests

Facility Wall Requests

Facility Wall Requests are accessed via the My Requests tab at the top of your game screen.

Each section of the My Requests tab that you are viewing will always have black text and a pale yellow highlight.
The section you are not viewing will have blue text underlined which is a link you can click on to view a different section of My Requests.

Neighbours and Buddies Facility Work Requests
are in the Facility Wall Requests section of the My Requests tab at the top of your game screen.
Click on the My Requests tab at the top of the game screen.

The Facility Work Requests section is set as default so you should see the Facility Work Requests posted by your Neighbours and Buddies that still have work in them.

If you are in the wrong section of My Requests, the Facility Wall Requests text will be blue and underlined instead of black with a yellow highlight.
If you are seeing the section name in blue text underlined, click on it, then page will refresh so you can view Facility Work Requests.

Check box options at the top of the Facility Wall Requests

Include posts from Farmers that have you as a Neighbour or Buddy but are not your Neighbour or Buddy yet. With the check mark added you will Include seeing posts from farmers that are not on your own Neighbour or Buddy list.

Show posts only from the latest farmers who have worked my facilities. When the check mark is added you will ONLY see facility work requests for Neighbours and Buddies that have also helped work your facilities, this is the same farmers that you can see in the user action panel (yellow background) below your game screen. Reload the game when you want to update that information.

There is a new Do both at once work factories and refer clients link that could be clicked on to work both types of facility requests from the same farm owner.
  1. You can only use this link to work both types of facilities IF you have 4 fully diversified trains that are dispatched. A Fully diversified train is a locomotive with a minimum of 10 different Long Cars correctly attached AND dispatched. All of the Long Cars cost Farm Cash to buy.
    If you buy trains, please make sure that you do not have 2 locomotives of the same speed on the same farm. You can have up to 15 working trains. 3 of each speed locomotive.

  2. If you do not have the 4 train requirement OR you do not have all 4 correctly connected and dispatched, you will only see one instance of that link towards the top of Facility wall requests. You can use the Click here to help links instead, to work one type of facilities at a time instead of both types.
  • The maximum amount of posts in the Facility Wall Requests section has been increased from 150 to 200

  • You will not see multiple facility posts from the same farmer in the Facility Wall Requests section of My Requests. You will ONLY see the most recent Facility Requests by that farmer.
    One for post for their regular/production facilities and one post for their service facilities as long as there is still work in them.

  • Older Facility Requests that they already posted earlier are automatically removed. This is so that you will see more Facility Requests from different farmers on that page and it still allows those that like to post them much more frequently than others do, to continue doing that.

  • If a farmers facilities are already empty, we will hide that post most of the time.

  • You can right click on the work request links to open them in a new tab and work the facilities in the tab that opens.
    Then you don't have to keep going back to the Facility Work Request page to do more of them.
    However it is up to you to determine how many you can do successfully without causing a problem with your computer or browser memory which could resulting in some facilities not being worked and the pink indicator on any work requests failing. Try 2 links, refresh the wall request page and see if those worked before you try 4 or more. Refresh wall requests to update the page.

  • Some farmers facilities can empty quickly, other farmers may refill them much more often so make sure you reload this page every now and then so it updates and so that the pink background shows on work requests that you have completed.

  • When you are done with working friends facilities always reload the game so your storage updates and any farm pass goals related to working facilities will also update in Farm Pass.

The My Requests tab has 3 sections but only 2 of them are currently being used.
My Requests This part of My Requests will just inform you about the My Request changes.

1. Accepting gifts is now only done inside the main game using the Gift Manager.

2. Boosting trains from farmers is now only done inside the main game using the Train Manager.

3. Accepting neighbour requests is now only done inside the main game using the Farmer Lists screen.

If you are looking for more information on gifts make sure that you click on this link for full details:

You can send gifts to all Neighbours and Buddies.
You can accept/exchange/return and store gifts.
You can accept a gift then request it so that it can be sent to you via farmer using the Other Wall Requests section.
You can sell gifts that you have accepted and not stored yet at Market via the Gift Manager.

To go to the post on how to use Other Wall Requests , please scroll down to the next post.

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 02:09 PM.
Old Nov 14 2024, 01:29 PM
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Default Other Wall Requests

Other Wall Requests

Other Wall Requests are accessed via the My Requests tab at the top of your game screen.

Each section of the My Requests tab that you are viewing will always have black text and a pale yellow highlight.
The section you are not viewing will have blue text underlined which is a link you can click on to view a different section of My Requests.

Neighbours and Buddies Bonuses/Ingredients and specific Gift Requests
are in the Other Wall Requests section of the My Requests tab at the top of your game screen.

Click on the My Requests tab at the top of the game screen.

If you are in the wrong section of My Requests, the Other Wall Requests text will be blue and underlined instead of black. If you are seeing the section name in blue text, click on the blue text, the page will refresh so you can view the Other Wall Requests.
There is a checkbox option at the top to Include posts from Farmers that have you as a Neighbour or Buddy but are not your Neighbour or Buddy yet. Remove the check mark if you do not want to see requests from those that are not your Neighbour or Buddy yet.
  • The amount of posts showing on Other Wall Requests has been Increased from 150 to 200
  • You will only see one farm expansion post per farmer, not all of them.
  • You will only see one new level reached post per farmer at a time.
  • You will only see 5 gift requests posts per farmer.

Examples of what could be seen in Other Wall Requests:

You can right click on the Bonus and Ingredients links
to open them in a new tab in your browser so that you do not have to keep going back to the Other Wall Requests to send more.
You will need to refresh the wall to see the pink background on them to know who you already sent one to. You can send ONE bonus and ONE ingredient to farmer in a 12 hour period.

You can also right click on the Visit Farm links and open them in a new tab in your browser if you want to visit that farmers farm.

Specific Gift Requests like these do not work if you right click to open them in a new browser tab. Instead you just click on the link.
If a farmer has requested 5 gifts, you can send all 5 IF all 5 are all showing up on the page when you look there.
When you click on the link, it will then change to Gift Sent if you have not already sent them a gift.
If you have sent them a gift the link will change to Already Sent instead.
Make sure that you refresh the Other Wall Requests page to get updated information and to see the pink background on farmers requests that you have already helped.

The My Requests tab has 3 sections but only 2 of them are currently being used.
My Requests This part of My Requests will just inform you about the My Request changes.

1. Accepting gifts is now only done inside the main game using the Gift Manager.

2. Boosting trains from farmers is now only done inside the main game using the Train Manager.

3. Accepting neighbour requests is now only done inside the main game using the Farmer Lists screen.

If you are looking for more information on gifts make sure that you click on this link for full details:

You can send gifts to all Neighbours and Buddies.
You can accept/exchange/return and store gifts.
You can accept a gift then request it so that it can be sent to you via farmer using the Other Wall Requests section.
You can sell gifts that you have accepted and not stored yet at Market via the Gift Manager.

To go back to the post about Facility Wall Requests CLICK HERE

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 04:15 PM.
Old Nov 14 2024, 01:29 PM
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Default Reworking Farmers Facilities

Reworking Farmers Facilities

When you start a new day you are still reworking facilites even if it was the previous evening.

This post is to help clarify the timers that you need to know about,
BEFORE you start working facilites the next day
OR when you want to work facilities twice a day.

Generally a considerable amount of farmers will play often and throught the day.
Farmers that prefer to do this would only be able to work your facilities ONCE a day.
Thier break from working facilities for others is mostly likely to be while sleeping overnight for at least 8 hours, so they are not playing at all during that time.

If you wanted to work facilites twice per day:
You need to have a MINIMUM 8 hour break from working ALL farmers facilities.
The 8 hour break means DO NOT work facilities at all for anyone, during that time!!!

It does not matter if you worked some facilities for some farmers but not all of them before taking that 8 hour break!!

Example of how to work facilites twice a day:
10 AM Exactly down to the second, you stop working ALL facilities for ALL farmers.

AFTER 6 PM you will be able to work ALL of your Neighbour an Buddies facilities, INCLUDING the ones you worked before 10 AM.

If you are only one second too early you will reset the timers and will NOT be able to rework facilites!!!

To help you know when you can Rework ALL farmers facilities there is a countdown timer that resets to 8 hours every single time you click on a work request to work ANYONES facilities.
Always reload your game before you want to rework facilities and check the Show Times information!

The Timers are listed in a tool called Show Times that is located in your Toolbox.

  1. Click on your yellow toolbox to open it.

  2. Look in the 2nd column from the left and click on the Show Times icon (looks like a clock) to open it.

  3. There are 3 sections to Show Times.

    Make sure the Gamewide section has an Orange background. If it is brown click on Gamewide and the background of that sections name will turn Orange to indicate that is the section you are viewing.

    There is a timer for Regular Facilities. A green check mark here, means you can rework Regular Facilities.

    There is another timer for Service Facilities. A green check mark here, means you can rework Service Facilities.

    To be 100% sure that you can work ALL facilities the next day OR rework any facilities when working them twice a day, you need to see a green check mark for Rework Facilities AND for Rework Service Facilities.

    ONLY when you see the green check marks can you work or rework ALL types of facilities for any farmer that you have a connection in game with as a Neighbour or as a Buddy.

    If there are no green check marks, the time showing next to each of those types of facilites will help you know how much longer you need to wait. You can mouseover the times to see more information. This example shows roughly another 5 hours to wait.

    The timers will be more accurate when the time left to wait is under 1 hour.
    This example shows only part of a black circle so is less than one hour. In this case it's about 44 minutes. If you mouseover the icon it will show you the minutes.

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 02:10 PM.
Old Nov 14 2024, 01:30 PM
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Default Design this Farm Together

Design this Farm Together

You can hire a farmer to help design a farm for a short time
to do something like move some exisitng items on your farm using the Design this Farm Together Feature.
This temporarily hires a farmer that you can see online in the game as long as you are also going to be on that farm while they design or you both design at the same farm.

For example, you might want to use this if you need some help connecting your working trains or can't quite achieve the look you are going for on one of your farms with general items that are on them. Someone else could assist.
  • The farm you want help to design can NOT be Private. If you set it to Private you will need to remove that setting so that they can go to that farm.

  • Both of you need to remain online AND active on the farm while any designing is done. If you go offline or are idle too long, the hire session will end and changes will not be saved. You would need to rehire them if it was still needed.

  • Design this Farm Together will only allow them to move around most of the items that are on the farm you are both on.
    You can allow them to also move Farm Cash Items or you can prevent them from moving Farm Cash Items.
    They can NOT plow new fields or delete existing fields.
    They can not buy items for you or put anything onto your farm that you have in Item storage.
    They can not sell or delete your Items or work workable items on your farms unless they are a Super Neighbour with the appropriate permissions.

  • You will need to meet up with the farmer that you want to hire to design on the specific farm that you want help with. If they are not on your farm you can try one of these methods to meet up:

    • If it's a Neighbour or Buddy you can use your Farmers lists to send a message and ask them to meet you on a specific farm.

    • If they are a Neighbour you also have the Ask XXX to Join You option in the Neighbours bar. When you find them there, click on their picture then click on Ask XXX to Join You. They must be online in the game to be able to send that request AND to be hired to design.

    • If you already have a message from them you can go to the farm you want help with designing, open thier message, click reply and click on the Insert Farm Link option at the bottom of the message for them to use to go to a specfic farm. Current Farm would give them the link to the farm you are currently on. They can then click on that blue link in your message to go to that farm.

      You do not have the Current Farm option in messages when not on your own farms. In this case you could send them a message and tell them which farm number to meet up on. When they open your message, they can click on the green man on your message to be taken to your farm then go from there to the correct farm if it's not the default farm.

When you can see the farmer you want to hire on your farm, click on their avatar to see their Avatar menu:
Click on Design this Farm together

You will see the hire confirmation popup message.

There is an extra option in the Message

No check mark means they CAN move any Items including those that cost Farm Cash.
If you need help with connecting working trains, make sure there is NO check mark in the box. Some Locommotives and ALL the Long Cars are Farm Cash Items.

If you do NOT want them to move any Farm Cash Items ADD the check mark by clicking in the box.

Click on the green check mark to continue with the hiring OR click on the "X" to cancel the hiring.

When you click on the green check mark to send the request, they will see a message like this:

When they have accepted the hire by clicking Sure, let's do it! you will see the following message. You can then click on "Great, thanks" to close the message:

If you have allowed them to move any item including Farm Cash Items they will see this:

If you have NOT allowed them to move Farm Cash Items they will see this:

When the farmer clicks on OK I'll get started they will be able to move Items that are on your farm.

They will also have access to the Yellow edit hand and also some of the other design tools like the Freestyle Farm Designers. IF you own them and have placed them into storage. If they can use them, they will be able to see them in the Toolbox.

ONLY use the yellow hand to reconnect working trains after alering or moving them! Using the freestyle designers can cause an overlap and then the hightlight to show them connected thinks they are correctly connected when they are not!!!

Any tool a hired farmer do not have access to use, will be greyed out in their Toolbox.

To cancel the request to design, you can either:
  • Leave the farm
  • OR click on their avatar and choose Cancel Design Farm Together

REMEMBER: When you hire someone to help design your farm, you MUST remain on that farm at all times AND be active.
If you leave your farm the hire will be cancelled no changes will be saved.

If you remain still for more than 10 minutes, this will also cancel the hire. To help prevent this you should do something on your farm every few minutes.

If the hire to design ends and wasn't intended, the farmer would have to be re-hired.

Longer Term Designing:

It is possible to set a Neighbour as a Super Neighbour and give them permission to design a specific farm on a longer term basis. If the decorating is likely to take a long time you may find making them a super neighbour and giving them design permission for that specific farm works better for you.
In this case, neither of you need to remain online or on the same farm.

This still only allows ONE specific farm to be designed at a time. To design a different farm you would need to change the permission to another farm.

Super Neighbours can also have permissions to delete existing fields and plow new fields depending on the permissions.

Before you decide to make a Neighbour a Super Neighbour please make sure that you have read all the information about Super Neighbours so you know exactly what they would be able to do before you give them those permissions. You can go to the post about Super Neighbours by clicking on this link:

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 17 2024 at 02:10 PM.
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