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Old Mar 26 2010, 04:04 PM
janisko janisko is offline
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Originally Posted by damichcoop View Post
I don't get the same numbers for Basil (25), Sugarcane (28), Sage (32), Rosemary (108), and Broccoli (92).

I got my numbers from harvesting for myself, and subtracting coins. I take the number of coins I have and subtract the new amount I have after harvesting just one plot of a certain crop. There is a glitch in the game that some of the crops, when you harvest them, they give you the coins, then an extra coin to make it what it is suppose to be. If you want, plant those again, and do the subtraction thing and see what you come up with. I'm going according to my sheet, not anyone else's and what I have actually harvested and done for myself.
The third number after each crop is what I got as a HIRED HARVESTER. You get a lesser number of coins when you self harvest. There is nothing to add or subtract. I have two identities and planted a single square of each crop on one of the farms. Then I hired my other identity to harvest them.

I did make one mistake on beets. I show the official number incorrectly. Both that and the actual number are 20.
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Last edited by janisko; Mar 26 2010 at 04:19 PM.
Old Mar 26 2010, 04:14 PM
heyheyrayt heyheyrayt is offline
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I like the updates except I need at least one more milk cow and one more goat.... and my friends that I had all left farmtown so I cant get them to send me any goats or cows... so what's up with that... why cant I buy cows or goats?????? HEYHEY
Old Mar 26 2010, 04:16 PM
janisko janisko is offline
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Originally Posted by heyheyrayt View Post
I like the updates except I need at least one more milk cow and one more goat.... and my friends that I had all left farmtown so I cant get them to send me any goats or cows... so what's up with that... why cant I buy cows or goats?????? HEYHEY
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Old Mar 26 2010, 04:34 PM
Taterpeel Taterpeel is offline
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I have still not been able to get either my dairy or sugar facilities to produce. I keep starting production (I have plenty of sugar cane, milk, etc. in my storage) but nothing ever happens.
Old Mar 26 2010, 04:49 PM
lulu836 lulu836 is offline
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Put them into production. After a few hours go to "What's Cooking" and highlight the bar. It will say STORE which moves it to your storage from which you are able to sell it.
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You know you are a beta tester when updates come out and they don't work.
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Old Mar 26 2010, 04:50 PM
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Cool Please adjust the mills' processing rates to 250 crop units/hour.

Originally Posted by Raul View Post
Hi There,

We just released a new version of FarmTown which contains support for new facilities.



Hi there Raul;

The sugar production rate and the flour production rate are poorly balanced to the production capacity of the land.

A 1000 lot farm produces 1000 wheat units every 40 hours.

Just balancing the facility production to the land production means
that the windmill should process the 1000 wheat units in 40 hours, i.e. processing 25 wheat units per hour.

Likewise for Sugarcane :

A 1000 lot farm produces 1000 sugarcane units every 12 hours.

Just balancing the facility production to the land production means
that the sugar mill should process the 1000 sugarcane units in 12 hours, i.e. processing approximately 84 sugarcane units per hour.

Given than beets and grapes grow in 4 hours, it is reasonable to desire the sugarcane and wheat processing to complete in 4 hours for a batch of 1000 units, produced by a 1000 lot farm.

This requirement leads to the following processing capacities:

1000 units of crop be processed in 4 hours i.e.
a processing rate of 250 units/hour.

The current processing rate of 10 sugarcane units every 2 hours is simply preposterous, as it is
2% (yes two percent!!) of a reasonable processing rate; (5 units per hour versus reasonable rate of 250 units/hour).

So is the processing rate of wheat; at 10 wheat units every 30 minutes it is worse than snails pace at 8% (eight percent !) of the reasonable processing rate ( 20 units/hour versus reasonable rate of 250 units/hour).

I know that you guys want us to enjoy the game.

Please adjust the mills' processing rates to 250 crop units/hour.
At last you finally included cars and trucks with modern styling.



Last edited by capricorn1; Mar 26 2010 at 05:48 PM.
Old Mar 26 2010, 06:03 PM
PixelParadise PixelParadise is offline
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does the volume of the dairy barn increase with the number of cows and goats on the farm or is it a set amount that the dairy barn produces? Should I continue to collect the cows and goats to increase my dairy barn output?
Old Mar 26 2010, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by PixelParadise View Post
does the volume of the dairy barn increase with the number of cows and goats on the farm or is it a set amount that the dairy barn produces? Should I continue to collect the cows and goats to increase my dairy barn output?
Yes it increases in line with the amount of animals you have.
Old Mar 26 2010, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by capricorn1 View Post
Hi there Raul;

The sugar production rate and the flour production rate are poorly balanced to the production capacity of the land.

A 1000 lot farm produces 1000 wheat units every 40 hours.

Just balancing the facility production to the land production means
that the windmill should process the 1000 wheat units in 40 hours, i.e. processing 25 wheat units per hour.

Likewise for Sugarcane :

A 1000 lot farm produces 1000 sugarcane units every 12 hours.

Just balancing the facility production to the land production means
that the sugar mill should process the 1000 sugarcane units in 12 hours, i.e. processing approximately 84 sugarcane units per hour.

Given than beets and grapes grow in 4 hours, it is reasonable to desire the sugarcane and wheat processing to complete in 4 hours for a batch of 1000 units, produced by a 1000 lot farm.

This requirement leads to the following processing capacities:

1000 units of crop be processed in 4 hours i.e.
a processing rate of 250 units/hour.

The current processing rate of 10 sugarcane units every 2 hours is simply preposterous, as it is
2% (yes two percent!!) of a reasonable processing rate; (5 units per hour versus reasonable rate of 250 units/hour).

So is the processing rate of wheat; at 10 wheat units every 30 minutes it is worse than snails pace at 8% (eight percent !) of the reasonable processing rate ( 20 units/hour versus reasonable rate of 250 units/hour).

I know that you guys want us to enjoy the game.

Please adjust the mills' processing rates to 250 crop units/hour.
Hi, while I can see where you are coming from I think that the refineries are o.k. as they are. If the sugar refinery only processes 120 sugarcane a day then only plant 120 sugar cane per day - if the mill only processes 120/480 wheat per day then only plant that many.
Old Mar 26 2010, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Tony D View Post
If the sugar refinery only processes 120 sugarcane a day then only plant 120 sugar cane per day - if the mill only processes 120/480 wheat per day then only plant that many.
No, I don't like your suggestion;
you can play your way,
I want to play my way.

This sort of reasoning would never bring about the industrial revolution.

If you were calling the shots, we would be running DOS-5 or Windows 95 on Intel 386 computers.

ENOUGH of it.
At last you finally included cars and trucks with modern styling.



Last edited by capricorn1; Mar 26 2010 at 07:00 PM.
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