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Old Feb 22 2012, 02:22 AM
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peachy51 peachy51 is offline
Join Date: Mar 04 2011
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by pauly View Post
Incidentally it would cost around $500:00 to buy all tools and facilities or 3327 Farmcash if you prefer.
It costs way more than that if you want larger farms. Have you seen what it costs to upgrade the farms to the larger size? I have had to use FC to enlarge farms and with all the stuff I have bought that cost FC, I have spent more than $400 so far on this game. I don't mind that if I weren't constantly having to spend more $$ to move along in the game.

And if that's not bad enough, used to be I could just spend a certain amount of dollars and get a certain amount of FC ... now they have it where I have to spend a certain amount of $$ to get FT credits which don't equate to that number of FC ... so you are always either short or have some credits over, but they aren't enough to do anything with. Don't tell me this isn't a ploy to get me to spend more $$ to add to those credits so I can do something with them. I'm thinking FT is getting pretty greedy with my $$.
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