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Old May 03 2017, 07:35 AM
mindyj5 mindyj5 is offline
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Posts: 26

Originally Posted by knolan View Post
I don't think the new possible rules for the cargo ships are fair. Especially when you consider reducing the time for only those who have dispatched 6 ships in 7 days. Why not just reduce the time frame, period. For everyone? I am online quite often, but I still can't seem to get all of the containers done in 1 day. Most of the time, I can get 2 or maybe 3. I do find it quite unfair & like the man previously said, discriminatory, against those who work or those who can't be online for 20 hrs in a day (or even 10 hrs/day).. Why not make it simpler? For the majority instead of the minority? Why not allow everyone to enjoy the game, instead of a select few? It's the same issue with having too many farmcash items.
It doesn't say the ship has to be fully loaded. If you dispatch a ship with only 1 container, it counts toward the reduction time. If you can dispatch 1 ship a day then you get the reduced time.