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Old Apr 06 2017, 02:05 PM
Firinn12 Firinn12 is offline
Join Date: Nov 13 2009
Posts: 34

Just for the record, yes Taz was incredibly patient in helping me with those former problems, but I did figure out (by seeing other changes in other areas) it more than likely stems from something Facebook is doing that glitches some sort of shared files along the way. When the hires option is working, I quickly load my facilities and put out the hire notice before the option reverts to being inoperable. For the record, these problems with FarmTown never happened before the beginning of this year, and I feel run much deeper than clearing my cache. I've been online since the early 90s, know a little about programming, and fully understand these problems are a little more complicated than putting all the blame on the user. I won't bother you folks again. Thanks for your efforts anyway.