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Old Apr 04 2017, 08:29 AM
JohnAlbertini JohnAlbertini is offline
Join Date: Oct 08 2010
Posts: 573
Default ghosting/artifacts & new tools

PLEASE, when we harvest/shake/chop/fish REMOVE the items as soon as it is done. Having a ghost image or artifact appear for a delay makes it difficult to see where the line is between done and not done and I'm sure it is a bandwidth and server drain to have every harvest be a two-step process rather than just a one-step process (ready to gone rather than ready to ghost to gone)!!!

And the new tools are useless UNLESS you play unsupportedly. Where are the 24X tools those of us that play the proper way need? Between my wife and I we have over 200 FC and I see nothing worth WASTING them on right now. The new 6x extended tools offer us no improvement in game play whatsoever? Our 16x tools do more (256 plots) than the new 6x (36 plots) extended tools since we don't layer. Where is that an improvement?