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Old Jun 24 2018, 09:38 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 715

Originally Posted by jeannine_p View Post
i just noticed that the people put out in this release, in the fathers day section of the store, are much larger than the other people in the store. i guess all the new ones ate their veggies!! lololol
Not necessarily. Elephants eat veggies, manatees and whales eat veggies and are constantly swimming. But they are always fat! But giraffes are always eating veggies all the time and walk slowly much of the time but you do not see a lot of short and chubby ones. Meanwhile unicorns really do exist. We just for some reason have decided that they are too chubby and we therefore call them rhinoceroses!

Meanwhile I myself am more of a carnivore than an omnivore, but even when I was trying to be vegan for a while I did not grow any taller. I have still remained shorter than when I was a healthy college dude instead of nearly qualified for AARP membership.

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