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Old Aug 19 2011, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Randall_Lind View Post
Why are they not in coins like dairy shed, chicken coop and wool shed? I think they should be brought in coins and not F$.

I am not against paying for stuff I have spent a lot. I just think to be fair all animals shelters should be on the same page as all are coins but stables. Or have 1 coin and 1 $$. However you have 1 $25 and 1 $28. Then you are talking about $25 x 10 = $250 which is like $40 to have one on each farm. and even more if you want the $28 one.

Not telling you how to run your game but seems a bit unfair to have all animals facilities in coins but for the horses.
You only need 130 horse hairs to max out the violin so one stable is enough to max out the violin every 2 days. I load the facilities 3 times a week and do not own a stable but get enough horse hair from ingredient request and a neighbor that has a stable and about 40 horses but not the music facility.

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
The stables have been FC since they were released long before they became an active facility. To change them now would mean a lot of people would be wanting refunds for the FC they spent.
Originally Posted by pythonis View Post
Well, Taz, it wouldnt be all that difficult to just add 25/28 FC to any player that bought the stable. Just send in a screen shot and voila! heres your 25/28 FC
There have been several decorations that cost fc when they came out but now cost coins. I complained by contacting ft in game and never heard a word back from them about it. Not even an "I am sorry but this game is in beta and that is the risk you take when you buy stuff" reply.

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