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Old Feb 27 2011, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Mokie View Post
Mokie Level 185. 8.25 million + XP’s

Dysfunctional 4X4 Seeder is not all that it’s cracked up to be.

A lot of us, myself included, shelled out our Real, Hard Earned CASH to buy these 4X4 Seeders: But, with the Constant inability of the servers to even display a 4X4 planting grid, which if it is even displayed at all, only amounts to a 3X3 planting grid. And then a good 80 percent of the time, rather than the servers actually planting anything where you have clicked to plant, the screen just blinks, the grid disappears, and Nothing gets planted. And the complete Inability of the servers to properly remember that you have clicked to plant something, and utilize the “Click Ahead Buffer” While we attempt to get Anything to plant using these 4x4 Planters; where once again, the screen just blinks, the grid disappears, and Nothing gets planted.. And after MONTHS of the Developers either completely Ignoring these 4X4 Planter Issues, or rather, their complete Inability to fix these 4X4 Planter Issues., We might as well go back to Using the Single 1X1 Planting method using an old “Clicker” program! At least doing that was more reliable and faster in actual Planting application, than trying to deal with the constant server data drop-outs and Unplanted Sections associated with attempting to get the 4X4 Seeder’s to function properly!

I have the 4x4 seeder and it works great a few things for you to try. First it sounds like you are dragging the screen just a little bit, I do this a lot when I fish with the boat because I am going too fast. Make sure when you click you are not moving the mouse it is easy to get ahead of yourself and click and move at the same time when you do this the screen will blink like you have described because you have really only moved the farm a fraction so it just blinks and doesn't really move. When you drag the screen like this it will not plant, harvest, or do whatever you where trying to do at that time. It wouldn't hurt to also try clearing your cache and see if that helps.

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