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Old Dec 23 2009, 02:31 AM
granana granana is offline
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Join Date: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 6
Wink Thank You for reverting back to pre 12-22,suggestions

I do appreciate that we will be reverting back to the previous version, until a compromise can be determined.

Limit the active workers on a farm, corresponding to the size of the farm.

Boot or fire button that when used a total of 3 times prevents either party from accessing the others farm and limit the ability of hiring/accepting job from each other, permanently.(if used as a weapon to randomly boot people, the person will eventually run out of people to boot! and the people getting booted will either learn to behave or they will exhaust the people they can harass) to clarify , it is a farmer to farmer penalty, so that the "victims" of malicious booters, do not actually get blocked from the game, just from the person who repeatedly booted them.

I LOVED this game as it was, occasional glitches and all. I am THRILLED to hear you will revert back to the game I Loved so much, prior to the fiasco of the 12/22 release!!!!