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Old Feb 09 2016, 08:23 AM
mcdaddie mcdaddie is offline
Join Date: Dec 02 2010
Posts: 136

I would like to take this opportunity to address the new update and a lot of the concerns I am already reading about the new update.

First of all, thanks to Raul and the team of dev's that make this happen for us.

Next to all those that are *****ing about the cost of the new tool costing 100 FC. DON'T buy it!!! You have done without it this long, and it is not necessary for the day to day operation of your farm. It is a LUXURY!

Now for all the whiners that are wanting discounts, sales, and ways to get free FC. I too am fixed income, eldery, and probably a few more cliche assorted groups. Life is not designed for all of us to be equal in a monetary status. If so, surely me and Donald Trump could have the same model of helicopter. Do what you can with what you have, and move on.

Now for the dev's. I did buy the new watch tower tool for 100 FC. I really expected it to work for that money. It gives terribly inaccurate info. Shows to have small amounts of items on some farms that are NOT there, does not show things that are ready for work even while standing on the farm looking at them, and last of all, if it does show something correct like crop harvesting available and it turns the appropriate farms blue in the farm selector, why does it then make all the farms blue when you move to the next farm. Please slow down on the releases to ensure proper operation of new enhancements. If buying a tool for 30 FC that doesn't work right upsets people, then I am sure it is worse to buy a tool for 100 FC and it not to work.

And last of all, Dev's thanks so much of listening to all of us over the last few months and adding the brass sheets and zinc ore to the appropriate train cars. It was a huge amount to cover the huge deficiency, but every little bit helps.
