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Old May 05 2012, 07:55 PM
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AussieGecko AussieGecko is offline
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Default Riots are starting in my town

Originally Posted by bruhelmboldt View Post
Please bring back the dirt path glitch. Much fun has just gone out of the game.
This is exactly how I am feeling. I'm not chasing the exp points though they keep coming cause I plant stuff a lot. I love the mixture of fun I get when I play around and design farms. If it comes down to only farming and getting higher in points then the joy of it all has gone. I'm going to turn into one of those whingeing and whining players you don't want to know about. LOL

If you want people to enter contests you gotta meet them half way. Please think about the changes you make to current items and the impacts it will have BEFORE you make them. Please reconsider the dirt paths and return them to the way they were (I used to use the stone path) OR make a single square path the old way that we can use as a decorating tool. You can even call it the 'building path'. heh heh heh