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Old Apr 23 2018, 03:09 PM
cassi2m cassi2m is offline
Join Date: Aug 18 2013
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 29
Default Server: F3, Farm Server: w202 Hiring Issues

Connecting to town mainframe (Chat Server: F3, Farm Server: w202) ...

My friends husband had heart surgery today so I logged in to her account earlier.

This morning tried to hire someone from market, never received hire notice.

She told me that others were reporting issues with hiring. I asked her to go to the Inn to see if it was the Market.
Made no difference.

Reported to Rob, he asked me to report here.
Just tested again and results:

Just hired for 1 farm harvest trees.
I did not receive the ok i'll go with or have errands to run...message, she just disappeared, I thought she took another job, was ready to try someone else.

I could not tell if she accepted the job until she began working and the
message came across screen that Fran harvested Acacia trees, etc.

I had to remember which farm it was, manually choose to go home to that farm so that I could thank her for the help.

Hope that helps you some,
ps you have part of it resolved, just a bit more