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Old Dec 31 2016, 04:53 AM
RozeeS RozeeS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 14 2010
Posts: 73

The biggest issue with ships is visiting Ports of farm town neighbours who no longer play.

All of this could have been avoided if Farm Town had adopted the same system as other games on Face Book. When someone removes you as a friend on FB it also removes them and you from the games you play. This has always been an annoyance with me on FT because it didn't. And not until recently could we remove a neighbour from their list. I do not feel at all neighbourly when I have to load a ship of someone who has removed me from Face Book but has kept me as a FT neighbour when I have removed them from FT! Yes I know I don't have to load it but what is there to do when it is just sitting there!

I also have a few neighbours and FB friends who no longer play or play very occasionally. Some are elderly and it means I will have to remove those people from FT and also loose some storage space. Then to find new people to play this game in order to have my ship visit farms of people playing regularly.

I like the idea of the ships but this has not really been thought out very well. It seems you have included lots of people on my ship list that no longer play and have not for some time, in some cases years, while others that do play on occasions are not on the "port" list.

Has this been done in some mistaken thought that those who haven't played in a while/years will suddenly come back and play. Well that is my thoughts on it and misguided in my opinion.

I have kept people who no longer play on my list for storage purposes but it seems now I am going to have to remove people from the FT game and find new ones. At the expense of maybe upsetting a few, if and when they come back!

Yes we can move our ships on with a count limit, but we loose the goods for that farm and the count getting bigger. Defeats the object of the exercise doesn't it!
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