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Old Aug 25 2017, 05:28 PM
Ellsinore Ellsinore is offline
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Join Date: Feb 23 2011
Posts: 54

The 20-hour time for the ships will be very nice! Thank you!

As far as the FC cash facilities, I was a bit disappointed that there are so many of them, but only for a minute. I, too, am falling behind in the "have everything" department, but there's still plenty to have/do in the game. In the past, I was able to invest in the game monthly, but things changed. But a few times a year I can spend money on the game, and that's when I play catch-up with the facilities. The extended tools are pretty much out of my reach, but that's okay, too. With the other improvements in the game, yes, the tools would be nice, but my farms are still very workable.

And I'm very appreciative of those who CAN afford them that support the game in a way I can't right now so we can still have it! :-)

While it's nice to have free things, nothing is really "free." Someone has to pay for them. I, too, have a great deal of experience with what the InterWebs actually cost, and I think it's great that the Devs continue to find ways to pay the bills but still make the game fun for the ones who need the freebies. I quit the Zynga games long ago because it was not possible to play them without real money. I'm always grateful that Farm Town has never done that.

I also very much appreciate the fact that we don't get stuck if we can't buy FC facilities. The coin factories are linked to service facilities that are also available with coins. Requiring a FC factory to stock a coin service would be evil. :-D

I've also had a lot of experience with free open source projects. The big ones party on, but the smaller ones are dead because the Devs could no longer support them. They needed "real" jobs. We've all got bills to pay and any business that can't pay the bills isn't in business very long.

While I understand why some are frustrated, I think it might have more to do with their financial situation in general, rather than Farm Town specifically. I know my world was rocked overnight by a "medical event." Games are a great escape from all of that, but also a reminder that it's a challenge to pay the electric bill every month.