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Old Feb 24 2011, 06:47 AM
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Whoopsidaisy Whoopsidaisy is offline
Join Date: Aug 29 2009
Location: Apartment housing for seniors.
Posts: 370

I don't know what the big deal is. I never worked for anyone else and rarely hired others to work my farm after running into picky workers, rude workers and workers who never finished the job. I still managed to get to level 185 without a fuss. If others are running you over with their fancy expensive and altogether unnecessary tools go work your neighbors facilities to earn experience points. You will still gain your levels even if it's a bit slower. It's still going to be faster then when I came up. And if you just have to hurry-there's always raspberries, and now they are even worth something. You aren't going to change human nature. There are always going to be rude, greedy people. If you cant deal, then avoid them.
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