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Old Nov 28 2009, 11:33 PM
BarbaraF BarbaraF is offline
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Join Date: Nov 19 2009
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First off, it seems to me that more than one person has been out of line on this thread and maybe should realize that the behavior is ridiculous to say the least. Can't we all just act like adults and not toss rocks at one another?

More importantly, I thought that this thread was supposed to be about the new update and/or any problems or thoughts regarding said update. It seems to have gotten a bit off topic.

I really enjoyed this game very much until the past few weeks, when it started to become impossible to hire your neighbors to plow/harvest for you without losing the majority of the work performed. This has proven itself to be a very frustrating task since your neighbor loses their xp and coins and you lose your plowed fields, and when you try to work on their farm the reverse occurs.

I wish that the developers would have concentrated on fixing this problem BEFORE releasing new land and BEFORE holiday merchandise is made available. I'll enjoy the new land and the new decorations when they're made available to me (I don't have the update yet), but making the game work properly is more important IMHO. If we can not effectively hire our neighbors or be hired by our neighbors, how will this game continue to grow and keep our interest?

Please rethink the priority list and make fixing this issue a top goal. Thank you!