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Old Aug 15 2014, 06:33 PM
Seraphina Warrior
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Originally Posted by CSLewis View Post
Before I get too involved with my design I wanted to clarify something. I do not have any of the design tools, so all this is being simply done by hand. It says we can stagger and layer crops. I am working on a winter theme and I want to use the snow hill and other mountains and hills found in the winter section. When I go to put them down it allows me to overlap them (on top of the snow hills that are HUGE) automatically. It also allows me to place trees, houses, etc. on them. So my question is, can I set up my farm this way or is that considered a trick and 'cheating'?
Hi CSLewis. If items can be placed, without the use of the green or orange hand (design tools), then it is perfectly fine. Some items can be placed on top of other items, and this is allowed. Any items, such as this , are checked out at the time of verification. The only thing that I would say, is to be careful when using hills and mountains that you do not stagger them and give a 3D illusion. Good luck and have a wonderful evening.