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Old Jan 17 2021, 03:04 AM
vosotras vosotras is offline
Join Date: Jan 11 2021
Location: Oncativo (Cordoba , Argentina )
Posts: 6
Default TODO GRIS que hago


todo se pone gris enseguida

2021-01-17 09:03:10.859 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2021-01-17 09:03:10.863 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2021-01-17 09:03:10.892 LOGSessionId: 170603
Browser: Blink: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 2.0
GPU-Vendor: Google Inc.
GPU-Renderer: Google SwiftShader
2021-01-17 09:03:13.943 LOGLoading player data from data.unity3d
2021-01-17 09:03:13.952 LOGInitialize engine version: 2020.2.1f1 (270dd8c3da1c)
2021-01-17 09:03:13.957 LOGCreating WebGL 2.0 context.
2021-01-17 09:03:13.988 LOGRenderer: WebKit WebGL
2021-01-17 09:03:13.992 LOGVendor: WebKit
2021-01-17 09:03:13.997 LOGVersion: OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
2021-01-17 09:03:14.001 LOGGLES: 3
2021-01-17 09:03:14.023 LOGOPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle 41476096
2021-01-17 09:03:22.459 INFOMemoryStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 17/128 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:22.789 LOGInput Manager initialize...
2021-01-17 09:03:22.804 INFOCheckpoint-U-30 - Bootloader.Init Start - Mem: 18/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:23.047 INFOCheckpoint-U-31 - Init AssetRegistry - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:24.219 INFOCheckpoint-U-32 - Download Play Bundles - Mem: 20/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:24.303 INFOCheckpoint-U-33 - Init Local Storage - Mem: 20/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:24.324 INFOCheckpoint-U-34 - Init Loading Screen - Mem: 20/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:24.333 INFOCheckpoint-U-35 - Init FlashVars - Mem: 20/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:24.506 INFOCheckpoint-U-40 - Init HUD - Mem: 20/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:27.337 INFOCheckpoint-U-45 - Init Farm Controller - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:27.377 INFOCheckpoint-U-50 - Processing Params - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:27.785 INFOCheckpoint-U-51 - Init Sub Controllers - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:27.964 INFOCheckpoint-U-52 - Init Preferences - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:27.976 INFOCheckpoint-U-53 - Load Prefs into UI - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:28.001 INFOCheckpoint-U-54 - Init Engine - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:28.013 INFOCheckpoint-U-55 - Init ItemDefs - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:40.660 INFOCheckpoint-U-56 - Init RecipeDefs - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:44.968 INFOCheckpoint-U-57 - Init Misc Defs - Mem: 28/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:45.757 INFOCheckpoint-U-60 - Load User - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:49.890 INFOCheckpoint-U-61 - User Loaded - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:49.975 INFOCheckpoint-U-62 - Main Avatar Loaded - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:50.168 INFOCheckpoint-U-70 - Go To Farm - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:50.202 INFOCheckpoint-U-75 - GoToFarmAsync - Mem: 27/256 MB
2021-01-17 09:03:52.164 INFOCheckpoint-DONE - Map Loaded - Mem: 29/256 MB