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Old Jan 16 2021, 05:18 PM
lola_cipi lola_cipi is offline
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Join Date: Jul 15 2020
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by marymarcel View Post
Hola lola_cipi

Gracias por los datos, pero de la informaciòn debajo de la pantalla del juego necesito lo que dice el ùltimo renglon para el checkpoint.

Vas a ver muchos checkpoint en la informaciòn, necesito lo que dice el ultimo de ellos, si no lo ves, utiliza la barra de la derecha de la informaciòn para bajar.

Ahora me aparece esto y la pantalla blanca y escrito Farm Town U-55

2021-01-16 22:58:47.806 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2021-01-16 22:58:47.824 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2021-01-16 22:58:47.854 LOGSessionId: 161958
Browser: Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 1.0
GPU-Vendor: Google Inc.
GPU-Renderer: ANGLE (Software Adapter Direct3D11 vs_4_1 ps_4_1)
2021-01-16 22:58:50.129 LOGWarning: Your browser does not support "WebGL 2.0" Graphics API, switching to "WebGL 1.0"
2021-01-16 23:17:34.928 LOGLoading player data from data.unity3d
2021-01-16 23:17:34.968 LOGInitialize engine version: 2020.2.1f1 (270dd8c3da1c)
2021-01-16 23:17:34.971 LOGCreating WebGL 1.0 context.
2021-01-16 23:17:35.070 LOGRenderer: Mozilla
2021-01-16 23:17:35.073 LOGVendor: Mozilla
2021-01-16 23:17:35.075 LOGVersion: OpenGL ES 2.0 (WebGL 1.0)
2021-01-16 23:17:35.077 LOGGLES: 2
2021-01-16 23:17:35.086 LOGepth_texture WEBGL_draw_buffers GL_WEBGL_draw_buffers WEBGL_lose_context GL_WEBGL_lose_context
2021-01-16 23:17:35.093 LOGOPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle 41476096
2021-01-16 23:17:47.341 INFOMemoryStats: WebGL 1.0 WebGL Mem: 17/128 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:53.841 LOGInput Manager initialize...
2021-01-16 23:17:53.874 INFOCheckpoint-U-30 - Bootloader.Init Start - Mem: 18/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:54.030 INFOCheckpoint-U-31 - Init AssetRegistry - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:55.066 INFOCheckpoint-U-32 - Download Play Bundles - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:55.187 INFOCheckpoint-U-33 - Init Local Storage - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:55.230 INFOCheckpoint-U-34 - Init Loading Screen - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:55.253 INFOCheckpoint-U-35 - Init FlashVars - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:55.675 INFOCheckpoint-U-40 - Init HUD - Mem: 19/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:58.716 INFOCheckpoint-U-45 - Init Farm Controller - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:58.760 INFOCheckpoint-U-50 - Processing Params - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:59.292 INFOCheckpoint-U-51 - Init Sub Controllers - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:59.417 INFOCheckpoint-U-52 - Init Preferences - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:59.446 INFOCheckpoint-U-53 - Load Prefs into UI - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:59.497 INFOCheckpoint-U-54 - Init Engine - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:17:59.596 INFOCheckpoint-U-55 - Init ItemDefs - Mem: 28/128 MB
2021-01-16 23:18:06.954 ERRORNullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.