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Old May 06 2016, 05:36 PM
Chattin Chattin is offline
Join Date: Mar 11 2009
Posts: 21
Default XPs for trees and flowers

I think the decision to provide XPs only to non super neighbors, non neighbors, and non buddies, and only when players are hired in the market is very short sighted.

I recently had a low level player add me as a super neighbor because she had chosen to put her time and effort and FC into increasing the size of her farms rather than investing in tools other than those for harvesting and plowing. She has no combines to harvest her large, stacked farms with.

She recently asked me to plant her farms. What did I receive for doing this for her? *NOTHING AT ALL*

There is nothing paid out when a farmer plants for another farmer. There are no XPs either. Good will only goes so far and I had to tell her not to ask me to do her work in the future since Slashkey apparently does not value the work long time players do enough to reward them for it.

The same mentality applies to the new trees and flowers XP scheme apparently. I don't understand why there should be XPs when some people do the work, but not when others do. What reasonable rationale can there be for that decision?